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Yoonbum soon heard Sangwoo's question and he nodded a bit, "is that alright? I promise I'll be as quick as I can.." He said as it was obvious he didn't necessarily want to leave Sangwoo either, although he knew the trip was short he just didn't want to leave because when he left the first time the police came, although he knew they wouldn't come again he just was nervous something bad would happen to his lover while he was away. But then again he also needed to get the suitcase so as not to raise suspicion as well as because they needed it so that they could begin packing some of the things they wouldn't need before they left for Seoul so that packing would be easier when it came time to go.

-He looked up at him and nodded at him, agreeing on the fact that he had to go or more like needed to go get the suitcase back-
"yes you should go.. just be crafeul.. "
-He said before grabbing onto Bum's clothes, like the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to his level. He kissed him gently before letting go and pulling away a bit-
"come back soon.."
-He whispered as he gently pecked his lips before pulling away for him to get going-

Yoonbum saw as Sangwoo nodded, agreeing that he he could and should go get the suitcase. "Alright.." He said in response, however, before he could get going the collar of his shirt was yanked on, pulling him down to the other's level, once kissed gently he kissed back, God he didn't want to leave even for a moment. He heard the whispered words only to receive a peck before his shirt was let go, "I will.." He whispered back before moving and heading out of the bathroom, he hurried to the front door, slipping on his shoes and his coat before leaving, making sure to lock the door behind him. He was quick to grab a taxi as he had no time to waste, his goal was to get back before the water had gone cold so he could help Sangwoo if he needed any for getting out of the tub or anything of the sort. He was feeling anxious but sat quietly in the back, waiting to arrive at the mall so he could walk the rest of the way there to the girls apartment. He wondered if she even kept it inside or maybe just left it outside due to him not having come back for a while, as he waited he looked at his hands, he gazed at the gold band on his right hand's ring finger. It made him smile, it took about fifteen minutes to arrive at the mall which he got out and began to speed walk the best he could to the apartment, hoping she was even home in the first place.

-Sangwoo watched as Yoonbum left the bathroom with the bathroom door half opened. He heard a few rushing footsteps and material ruffling against each other. Before he knew it the door had opened and shut with a light clicking aound right after. He sighed as he leaned back in the tub, leaning his head back a bit as well so he could rest for a bit. He glanced down at the water and his knee that was over the surface of th water. He was sitting with one leg stretched out and the other planted on the bottom of the bathtub for support so he wouldn't completely slip under the water. He sunk himself further down until only his head was peeking up from the water. He coukdnr sink in any further because his messed up bandages would get wet. He glanced at his hands and his eyes fell down on the golden ring on his ring finger. He smiled a bit as he looked at it, turning his hand from side to side to look at it-
"that can't be real gold can it.. is it really..?"
-He asked himself a bit surprised as he chuckled at the thought of it being real or not. He meant a lot to the other one. He woukd never get over the fact that he was so important-

Yoonbum had eventually made it to the apartment, he felt anxious but walked up to the door about to knock when it opened and the girl was walking out, his suitcase in one hand with a phone up to the ear in the other. He took a step back and gave a timid smile, which she only gave a faked one back, she handed it off and shut her apartment walking away after locking it, talking on the phone, completely ignoring Yoonbum. He sighed softly but started to walk away towards the mall once more, it was good timing as it seemed as though she were going to leave it outside and who knows who would have taken it then. He smiled softly to himself, dismissing all of the anxiety and the look of disgust in the eyes of the girl when they looked st him, why? Simple, he didn't care at the moment. He had someone who loved him and wanted him waiting back at his apartment for him, someone who he had a future with, someone who meant the world to him and was the most important thing in his life. He called for a taxi once arriving at the mall, packing the suitcase into the back before getting in, starting the 15 minute journey back. The rings were real gold, which he bargained for the lowest he could get at the quality he wanted, which ended up being about 400,000 won due to the band being real gold as well as the small simple diamond being real as well. Still on the pricier side, but to him it was worth it. Eventually he was dropped back off at the apartment, unpacking his suitcase and paying the taxi, he felt so relieved to be back, unlocking the door and stepping in, moving to take his shoes and coat off before taking the suitcase to the bedroom only to go back to the bathroom to see Sangwoo, assuming he was still in the bath, "I'm back, I hope I wasn't too long." He said with a small smile.

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