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-His eyes widened a bit as he heard the words that came out from Yoonbum's mouth. He looked back at him and scanned his body language as he smiled a little-
-He said and looked back at the young nurse who was crying and trying to scream. He chuckled and raised the scissor over his head and in a second a gurgle sound was heard in the room as the scissors were In her chest. He pulled it out as her shirt got soaked in red. She was gasping, trying to get away and in pain-
"Ah.. you look ugly now.. sorry I couldnt make your body end up like the others~"
-He chimed as he was referring to the others he had tortured and killed. Splat. The scissor were now in her neck and the gurgle sound got quiet. He leaned back as he looked down at the body and put a towel under her head so it would not get on the floor-
"Dirty pig"

Yoonbum didn't watch, he could feel his stomach twisting and flipping inside him as he listened to the muffled screams after he had given the okay, soon to follow was the horrible gurgling that pitifully rang out although it didn't last for long. His eyes were squeezed tight, he heard Sangwoo insult the corpse, he opened his eyes slowly feeling a sickening numbness take over his consciousness as he approached his lover and the body, "How will she fit in the bag?" He asked softly as he looked down at her, a sorrowful but tired expression adorning his face, which seemed to be almost his resting expression, his brows always furrowed in a saddened way. His eyes though had a numb paranoia sleeping in them as now he had to worry about not only escaping unseen at the end of their stay but also leaving unseen with the body.

-He watched the boy lean towards him and the corpse and listened to what he said. He had blood splattered on his face and hands and was rubbing it off on a towel by his nightstand. He then, just like a child, wrapped his arms around Bum's waist-
"Ahhhh I forgot that I cant dismember her either.. hm.. we will just cramp her in there, dont worry about it~"
-He chimed and yawned as he held onto his waist-

Yoonbum looked back at Sangwoo, watching as he was cleaning himself up although the towel didn't do the best of jobs to wipe the blood off of him. He blushed just slightly as he felt his arms wrap around his waist, he listened to him speak and nodded a bit. "Alright.." He spoke softly, clearly it was hard for him not to worry about such a thing, although being with Sangwoo, in his arms more specifically was so comforting.

-He looked at the corpse and glanced at the bathroom. He had to get cleaned up and they had to hide the body pretty fast-
"Could you get me my bag..? I'll pack her in"
-He said and grunted a hit as he shifted his legs cause they kinda hurt in the way he was sitting. He got off the girls lap and sat down with his legs straight out, being careful-

Yoonbum nodded a bit as he moved over to grab the bag, carrying it to Sangwoom he was growing nervous, his heart beating a bit fast as he glanced a few times at the door, worried someone may try to walk in or another nurse may stop by to check in on Sangwoo. He swallowed a bit hard as he caught sight of the girls dead looking eyes that had so quickly begun clouding over, it was good that rigor mortis hadn't set in yet which would make it easier to pack her up. Although he begun worrying about how heavy the bag would be, he wasn't exactly strong so he knew carrying this would be troublesome for him.

-He opened the bag when he got it. He made sure to put some towels in it so blood wouldn't leak through the bag. He then spent at least 5 minutes to cramp the body into the bag, closing it up quickly too. You could tell he was experienced in hiding bodies and being quick too. He then let out a sigh as he put the bag under the bed and looked at his hands-
"Bum~ can you help me shower?"
-He asked as he got into his wheelchair and winced a bit as his legs hurt a bit-

Yoonbum tried not to necessarily watch as Sangwoo packaged the woman up into the bag, due to her limbs not exactly bending the way they needed to, an occasional pop was heard although it seemed as if to Sangwoo the fact that he popped a few limbs out of place for convenient storage hadn't even occurred. It didn't take long at all before his gaze returned to the now zipped up bag, he swallowed and cleared his mind, his gaze shiffly to Sangwoo as he heard his request. His cheeks flushed a shade of pink and he sheepily nodded, "oh, yes of course." He said with a sweet tone as he hurried first to the bathroom so he could get the water set up, planning on returning to wheel Sangwoo inside. He began to wonder if Sangwoo would sit in the shower since standing wasn't really an option it seemed, or how this would work, but, he chose at least not currently, to question the male.

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