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Yoonbum moved to get onto his own knees the best he could with a cat in his arms, as he stood up with the other he felt Sangwoo's arm move around his back. However, before he knew it he was flung over the other's shoulder resulting in him gasping a bit as he let go of Cookie, he grabbed onto the other a bit and huffed in a pouty manner at the other's words, "Sangwoo!" He whined out but didn't necessarily fight back, accepting his fate if you will. Once in the living room he was placed on the couch, moving to the side that had the duvet more so on it, pulling it over himself as he playfully pouted a bit. "Mhm, it was so fun.." He mumbled only to 'attack' the male in his own way, as soon as Sangwoo sat down on the couch he was at risk, at risk of what? Nothing dangerous of course. Yoonbum simply moved over to him, acting like a needy pet if you will, climbing onto the other's lap a bit, wrapping the duvet around them both now as he nuzzled against the other, arms wrapped around him as he smiled softly.

"Whoa.. cuddly aren't we?"
-Sangwoo commented on it as the second he sat himself down, Yoonbum immediately made his way to his lap. Most likely his favorite seat in the whole world. He chuckled a bit as he opened his arms a bit, watchung as Yoonbum was now sitting sideways om his lap. He let the other hug him as he himself had wrapped an arm around the others back, kissing his temple as he did so-
"Alright... what to watch.."
-He mumbled as he switches through the channels for a bit. He got to a news channel and was about to skip it until he heard a familiar name. The hospitals name. Where he stayed at. His attention perked up so he turned the volume up and leaned back in his seat. He listened to the news reporter talking about a girl having gone missing who worked at the hospital and that she has been missing for a couple of days. But there was no talk about Sangwoo-
"They haven't found her yet.. nor have they talked about my disappearance.. for no we are clear. But they can't hide those news forever, soon enough they will tell the public about me being gone.. or they might as well say I'm dead"
-He said to Bum as he looked down at him, being a bit more relieved that the police had not yet said anything. This meant the public was calmer and they would be able to slide by the crowd-

Yoonbum blushed softly, he was feeling cuddly. With the upcoming move that really was risky no matter how much he tried to convince himself it wasn’t, he just wanted to be able to really bask in the other’s warmth, in his touch and hold, he needed the security for the time being. He smiled softly as he felt the others arms around him, and the kiss he had been gifted. Eventually his gaze moved to the TV as Sangwoo began flipping through channels, he himself didn’t necessarily have anything specific in mind that he was in the mood to watch so he left it up to the other, fine with pretty much anything he could put on. However, as the channels were being flipped through the name of a certain hospital came up. Of course he recognized it as well, how could he not? He had been visiting and stalking the hospital regularly awaiting for the perfect time to see Sangwoo, and rescue him. To hear how the news reporter said nothing of the male gave him a sense of relief. “I hope they say you’re dead.. it would make everything easier..” he mumbled, if they told the public Sangwoo died of complications with his injuries or something like that then they really wouldn’t have to hide too much. They could be even more free than what was originally thought of, however, knowing their luck that wouldn’t be the case, they seemed to always find themselves with the more unlucky option of the two. Their planned trip was essential, their future life awaited them, so close he could feel it with his fingertips if he so imagined it hard enough.

-Sangwoo sighed as he leaned back on the couch, pulling the duvet over them both as he nodded in agreement-
"Yeah it would.."
-He had said but knew that was the less likely thing to happen, but then again it could happen. He switched away from the channel as he had gotten enough info for now. He got to a TV show where there was an audience live watchung people talk and so on. That was good enough to have as background noise. He looked down at Bum as he laid his arms around him, holding him so he wouldn't fall off his lap-
"Say.. you seem so relaxed today.."
-He said as his right hand gently caressed the others cheek, making him look up at him-
"Maybe yesterday's night relieved a lot of tension.."
-He whispered as he leaned in to get a kiss from the others sweet lips-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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