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Yoonbum's eyes widened slightly upon hearing Sangwoo speak with such a tone, only to shrink into himself a bit, feeling a bit nervous as well as just regretting having asked such a thing. He assumed that the other reacted in such a way because perhaps he was asking him if he was okay too much, maybe he saw it as him babying him, he chewed at the inside of his lip as his gaze fell from Sangwoo down to his own plate, the silence spreading like the plague over the apartment. It was soon interrupted by a mumbled but deep toned reiteration of what the male just said, he simply nodded a little bit, paired with a small soft, "a-alright.." He himself began forcing himself to eat, not in the mood for it really but knowing just as Sangwoo did that he himself needed it. He glanced up towards the male after a few moments of silence only to see the frown which adorned his lips, he was accustomed to the growing anxiety, what had he done to spark the other's mood? It had to have been something he did, but what? He dwelled on the ideas, the possibilities, everything as he silently kept forcing food into his mouth. Eventually though he tried to swallow a bite of rice and nearly gaged, needing to wait a minute before he swallowed only to get up. He carried his plate to the trash to throw away the remains, not being able to stomach anymore. It was due in part to his eating disorder as well as the anxiety he was experiencing from Sangwoo snapping at him as he had, he wanted to know what was wrong as he could feel something was, however, Sangwoo in some regards still frightened him. He could hurt him if he really wanted to, there was proof of that fact enough from the other day when he had been strangled, of course then it hadn't necessarily been his fault, but even so, it just went to show his lasting ability. Due to that, he feared provoking him anymore than he somehow had, instead of asking if the other was alright once more or trying to press for answers he simply moved to start heading towards the bedroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower.." He notified the other only to go to collect an outfit to get the day officially started.

-He glanced over at Yoonbum after the silence was cut off by him pulling his chair back to get up. He looked away as he heard him rustle around in the kitchen. Sangwoo was eating slowly since his mind was so distracted by all his thoughts. After a bit, the train of thoughts was also cut off when he saw Yoonbum walk off into the bedroom and heard him saying that he was gonna shower-
-He mumbled back but it was obviously too low for Yoonbum to hear by now. He looked back at his plate. He had eaten half of it and would usually eat everything. He sighed as he grabbed the plate, standing up and dragging his feet across the floor to put the plate on the kitchen counter. He covered it with some foul in case he decided to eat more later. After that he just stood there for a bit, getting lost in thoughts as his eyes trailed across the kitchen. He looked over st the kitchen sink and remembered he forgot to throw the bandage away. The old bandage was laying in the bathroom sink-
-He grunted but didnt want to go and disturb Yoonbum anymore than he already had-
"maybe he wont notice it.."
-He mumbled to himself as he walked over to the living room. He turned on the tv to some shit channel with talk show hosts before flopping down onto the couch. He leaned back onto the couch as he silently watched the show. He wasnt really watchubg the shoe though, just stared at the screen and zoned out as well. He wasnt feeling it today. He felt like literal shit-
"fuck sakes.. "
-He grumbled as his eyes trailed down towards the floor and he ended up staring st the floor instead of the tv, having a numb expression kn his face-

Yoonbum had gone into his bedroom, collecting a change of clothes, getting a simple yet cozy outfit which consisted of a pair of sweatpants and a big hoodie, simple, warm. Of course with the added on pair of briefs, he took his clothes to the bathroom, having stopped momentarily to glance down the short hall, realizing that Sangwoo was not at the table anymore. He hadn't heard the front door open so he felt no fear about him having left, however, he was concerned about him, worried about what sparked his change in behavior, however, that may just be regular Sangwoo, since, it wasn't uncommon for him to snap at him before their current situation. When he entered the bathroom, he shut the door behind him, going to turn the shower on as he set his clothes on the sink counter, making notice of the bandages that had been accidentally left. He thought for a moment and chewed at his lower lip, picking them up and putting them in the bathroom trashcan, perhaps those were the root of the issue. He got to thinking as he stripped, 'Sangwoo probably switched out his bandages.. saw the burns... what 𝘐 had caused..... and now he's upset with me..' was his first thought. To him it made perfect sense, he had to think though, what bandages seemed freshly changed, as he stepped into the water, letting out a sigh from the heat cascading over him he thought hard, "his face..." He spoke out loud in a soft tone as he processed the words that slipped from his lips, his eyes widened slightly and he felt his stomach sink with dread. Sangwoo was such a handsome man, having so much potential, everyone fawned over him, never having an issue with getting anyone he wanted to fall for his charms. However, that was before the fire. Now, half of his face was burned, he hadn't seen the aftermath as from the day he first visited it was bandaged. He was sure the other had to be affected by his new appearance, even if he didn't act like it did. He chewed at his lower lip a bit, beginning to wash himself, he felt awful, all he wanted to do was leave the shower, coddle and reassure the man that he was gorgeous no matter what and that he was so sorry, so sorry he didn't listen, he hadn't helped him despite the intense desire to return into the house to get him out, to finish the job. Instead, he hadn't. He 𝘭𝘦𝘵 this happen. It was all his fault. He continued to wash himself, washing his hair, he wasn't wasting any time. Although he wanted to bask in the heat of the water he wanted to get to Sangwoo, make sure he was alright, reassure him the best he could. It didn't take long for him to finish showering, getting out after shutting the water off, shivering from the lack of warmth, he grabbed a towel, wrapping it around himself as he began to dry off, getting some lotion, it smelt nice, like lavender and chamomile, sleepy androgynous scent. After he finished rubbing the lotion all over his body, he got dressed in his outfit. Drying his hair afterwards with the towel the best he could which ultimately left it damp, he left the warm bathroom, gathering his thoughts the best he could as he peaked into the bedroom, finding it empty, only to walk down the short hallway, seeing the tv on. He soon saw Sangwoo as well, he suddenly lost his thoughts, he wasn't sure how to approach this. He didn't want to irritate him, he moved to sit beside the other, feeling strangely anxious if you will, beginning to fiddle with the bottom of the hoodie as his gaze focused on whatever was playing on the tv.

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