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Yoonbum listened as his question seemed to be a good one to ask as the other began to try to come up with some ideas for places to hide, he himself tried to think of something. There was his closet but that was pretty much the only place he could think of inside since his bed was on the floor so Sangwoo couldn't hide under it, really the only place to hide would be outside somewhere. He tried to think as he looked around too, there was his trashcan but he'd never suggest such a thing to the other, well, maybe one of his neighbors weren't home and they could break him in since he doubted any of them could afford cameras or alarm systems. However that idea could very well get them caught if not done perfectly, so he held his tongue momentarily as he tried to think of something better. "I don't know either.." He said with a soft sigh, he tried to rack his brain of all the possible hiding spots one might use around his apartment. All were impractical or just plain stupid, after a few minutes his gaze moved onto Sangwoo as he began to speak. Hearing him explain his thought process, at first the idea sounded like a definite last resort option, although it made sense as he elaborated, he was looking back at him as he spoke only to be pulled onto his lap, now straddling the other, he had his hands now loosely wrapped around Sangwoo's neck. "I mean, that seems to be the only option as of now.. but, I want you to be careful, okay? I don't know what I'd do if you got seriously hurt while you're still healing..." He said a bit softly, as his gaze timidly moved away from the other's, he didn't want to baby Sangwoo, but he was nervous about him going on the roof to hide as of course all the bad situations ran through his head of him falling off and breaking something, or seriously anything. He was just worried about the one person he loved more than anything in the world, Sangwoo was all he had just as he was all Sangwoo had, and the idea of losing him was one of his biggest fears.

-Sangwoo stared at the others face as he listened to him. He noticed he was concerned about the idea of him climbing up on the roof to hide. He leaned closer to Yoonbum and kissed his exposed neck, kissing over the purple marks he had left the other day-
"I'll be careful.. I always am"
-He said in response to the worried man in front of him. He then rested his forehead on Bum's shoulder and took a deep breath-
"I'd kill them if I could but it isn't an option.."
-He said which was followed by a chuckle. He lifted his head a bit to look at Yoonbum. His hands made their way his waist to have a better grip on Bum's petite and skinny body which he coukd easily hold with his big arms and hands-

Yoonbum's gaze stayed low until it glanced back up to Sangwoo to try to see how he felt about his concerns, however, the male leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his exposed neck on some of the bruises that the very same man who was kissing them had made the other day. He heard the calming words, although he still felt a bit anxious, just having Sangwoo's warm touch helped ease it almost instantly. He nodded a little bit upon hearing his response, he moved his arms from around Sangwoo's neck to moved more around his back, wanting him close as he rested his head against his shoulder. He listened to his words and couldn't help but smile a small smile, "I know.." He replied calmly, his gaze seemed much more relaxed as he peered down at Sangwoo slightly, his cheeks having turned a soft shade of pink as Sangwoo's hands moved down to get a better grip on his petite frame. However, his effort to gain some weight was evident as he wasn't 𝘢𝘴 boney, more fleshed out.

-Sangwoo held the other male close to himself as he also rested his head on his shoulder. His hands touching and lightly grabbing onto Yoonbum's body in a soothing way-
"Let's get back inside"
-He said before standing up with Bum in his arms. He felt the pressure on his body as it hurt a bit but it was okay for now. He opened the door with his foot and walked inside, closing the door behind themselves. He then gently lifted the other male down back to his own to feet so he could take his shoes off. Sangwoo lazily kicked them off and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch with his legs slightly patted and hus arms wide open to the sides-
"Agh my mouth is dry now"
-He said in a chuckle, his mouth was almost dried out from the cigarette-

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