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-Sangwoo was starting to get hard at this point and also getting impatient as the walk towards the main structure of the play park felt like it was taking years. Finally he had reached a large wall of the structure and was quick to push Yoonbum up against the wall, still holding him up. He pulled away from the kiss to see Yoonbum's red flushed face. To see the other panting with his eyebrows furrowed. Such an expression made him want to devour him completely. He was quick to attach his lips onto Yoonbum's exposed neck as he started leaving hickeys on his pale skin which had already been marked before. His large hands tugged Yoonbums pants down a bit together with his boxers, exposing his bare skin to the cold air. His fingers were quick to start toying with Yoonbum's entrance which was already feeling wet. They were still not really hidden but Sangwoos figure was hiding Yoonbum quite a lot for now.-

Yoonbum was growing a bit impatient just as Sangwoo was, his body was growing antsy as he was getting a bit hard but also wet as they continued to kiss so passionately. Soon enough he was pushed up against a wall all the while being held up by Sangwoo still, but when their lips parted his eyes opened delicately, brows furrowed sweetly, cheeks flushed red with blush, lips slightly puffy and pink from all the feverish kissing all while he panted lightly. He could see the hunger sparking in Sangwoo's eyes as he was gazed at, quickly however, the male hurried to leave marks on his neck to join the rest. He was sure if anyone saw his neck they would be able to see all of them as Sangwoo never seemed to make them hideable, almost as if he purposely made them visible so that anyone who looked at him knew he belonged to someone. When his pants and boxers were pulled down and his skin was exposed to the air a shiver ran up his, he bit his lower lip as those fingers began to toy with his entrance which was already getting wet, he was so eager he couldn't help himself, letting out a soft whimper of impatience. Although they weren't fully hidden Yoonbum couldn't care for the time being, although the rational side of him simply prayed for no one to pass by or decide to take a late night stroll to the park.

-Sangwoo was eager to hear the other one moan and was going to make sure he didn't stay quiet. He gently bit down on some spots on his neck while leaving hockey's here and there. His fingers continued rubbing and pressing against the others entrance until he slipped his middle finger in, slowly thrusting it in and out with a smirk on his lips-
"feels nice doesn't it..? feeling the adrenaline of doing something illegal together again hm..?"
-He whispered against his neck and ear, referring to the times they had together killed and hid bodies together. The rush of adrenaline he would feel at those times were addicting. It was his drug.-

Yoonbum had no idea that Sangwoo was planning on making sure he wasn't quiet, as that was his only plan, to keep quiet so they wouldn't be caught although he knew it would be difficult. However, now that that was the male's goal, it was sure to prove a lot more difficult than he had anticipated. He felt how Sangwoo bit gently at his neck in certain places, warranty a soft sound of pleasure only to receive more hickeys in other's. Sangwoo's fingers on the other hand were making him feel more and more impatient as they rubbed and pressed against his entrance but didn't slip in, he was almost tempted to beg but luckily felt finally as one of the fingers, Sangwoo's middle one in fact, pushed in beginning to thrust in and out slowly. He bit his lower lip a bit more, although as he heard what Sangwoo had to say about the adrenaline he did understand in a way. This was risky, they could be caught if they weren't careful, it made it feel exciting and the adrenaline was certainly there, however, it wasn't at least for him, quite like what he was sure Sangwoo was referring to. Killing and hiding the bodies of people, was something Yoonbum was less interested and versed in. He did it as Sangwoo asked, with apprehension in the beginning of course, but, even still ended up doing what he was told. But, for him it was not a drug, he could easily never do such a thing again. Rather, this adrenaline was different, a pleasurable one that added to their intimate experience. But then again, he couldn't lie, it did feel nice, the adrenaline of doing something illegal with the one he loved, no matter what it was. He nodded slightly, "yes.. it does feel nice.." He admitted in a whisper of his own only to allow his teeth to bite gently into his lower lip once more, seemingly showing how he had different plans about if he were to be making any noise this time.

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