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-Sangwoo was not able to control what he was saying nor what he was doing. Did he mean everything he said about wanting to kill the cops? Yes he did but did he want to risk their future to do it now? No. But his actions weren't him, he was moving without thinking. While he tried to make his way to the door he felt arms being wrapped around him which slowed him down. He shouted as he wanted to get to the door and get to those officers. He didn't tell how much he was hurting Bum by his words and actions. He kept trying to get up but he was getting slower st doing so because his body was giving up + Yoonbum was doing his best to hold him back. In the heat of the moment he reacted to being stopped by putting his hands on the person behind him and pushing him off with force making him hit the floor with a loud thud. He didn't like to be stopped by people in the past. Especially not when he knew what he wanted-
"Get off! I won't show them mercy..-"
-He shouted again as he looked behind him, when suddenly he stopped up. The curtain had now slightly been removed from his eyes and he realized what he had done. He sat on his knees with his hands out in a pushing motion. He looked at Yoonbum on the floor who was crying and had earlier asked him to not leave him. He had completely ignored him and now hurt him mentally and physically. His hands were shaking as he realized this, his lips slightly parted and his eyes brows raised in shock. This wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to protect him but got tunnel vision and did not realize that his actions were hurting the other-
'Shit.. I've done it again..'
-He thought to himself as he had fucked up again making him also hurt-
"no.. no I..  I didn't mean to.."
-He said in mumbles as he tried to shuffle om his knees over to him, his hands reaching out for him hut stopping before they coukd touch Bum. He saw the pain he had put him through. He felt terrible. A feeling he had never felt for anyone. It was pure agony-
"Yoon..Bum.. I..  no.. I didn't.. "
-He stumbled on his words as his voice was unstable, his body shaking in reaction to everything and his eyes wide as he stated at what he had caused-

Yoonbum wasn't letting go, he didn't want Sangwoo to leave him, to abandon him, he wasn’t going to let him just leave after everything he had done and sacrificed to get him back. Despite his plea for the male to not leave him it seemed as if Sangwoo was just ignoring him, this caused his eyes to widen and fill with even more tears which easily spilled out, he felt so hurt yet still tried to fight to keep Sangwoo from leaving. His arms stayed wrapped around him, gripping at his hoodie desperately, however, suddenly he was pushed off, slamming his head onto the ground due to not being able to catch himself. He began to sniffle a bit, shock from what just happened passing, only to begin to sob hard, usually when Sangwoo hurt him he took it and only cried for a bit but calmed down easily, this was different. He felt like Sangwoo was abandoning him, after everything, after all the talks about their future, after all the scary moments that they worked through and now he was leaving him. He completely ignored Sangwoo's shouting, as he laid on the floor, he covered his face with his hands a bit as he lay on the floor, sobbing. "Y-You promised! You... you promised to stay.. to stay b-by my siiiddee!" He sobbed out through his hands, referring to their little vow like promises they had made with their couple rings. He moved to sit up a bit, the back of his head pounding with pain as he looked at Sangwoo, he was so blurry due to his eyes being filled with tears. He could barely read his expression but saw he has at least snapped out of his trance a bit, he tried to calm down yet it was like his body wouldn't let him, the sobs kept coming as the hurt kept washing over him, both the physical and the mental pain. He flinched slightly away from Sangwoo as he reached towards him, a part of him from the past being afraid he would be hurt. So many times in his life had he been betrayed and hurt by someone he thought he loved, it was as if it was habit for him to expect now—that he was crying to be hurt even worse in some way. He hugged his legs as he trembled lightly, sobbing as he hid his face in his knees. "Don't leave me.. S-Sangwoo.... y-you're all.. I have left!" He begged through his sobs as he felt so broken, he couldn't stop him even while Sangwoo was hurt, he couldn't keep him from leaving no matter what he did, he felt so useless, so weak and pathetic, absolutely pitiful. He peaked up from his legs, his big doll eyes glossy as they spilled tears which gushed down his cheeks, brows furrowed to make such a sorrowful expression.

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