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-Sangwoo's lips turned into a small smile as he felt Yoonbums hands move from his head to his shoulders. The gentle rubs he was getting felt insanely good since his shoulders needed it too-
-You could hear the other hum as it showed how pleased he was by the others massages. He then soon lifted himself up a bit from Bum, Cookie using her claws to hold onto Sangwoos hoodue so she wouldn't fall off. He then proceeded to pull Yoonbum's sweater up which now exposed bum's chest and stomach. He smiled a bit at the sight, obviously loving Bum's body and even better to see his marks all over him. Sangwoo then laid back down on Yoonbums now bare upper body after admiring it  His hands made their way to Bum's waist as he gently rubbed on it. He wanted to feel his body and his warmth and was content doing so-

Yoonbum heard Sangwoo's soft hums, clearly enjoying the little massage he was giving him, this made him smile softly as he was happy to be able to make the other feel better as he knew how badly he was hurting. So to be able to do something in order to help relieve his pain, even if only a little bit, it made him feel a sense of usefulness. However, after a few moments, Sangwoo moved to sit up a bit resulting in his hands moving from his shoulders due to them being out of reach now. He looked up a bit towards Sangwoo, his cheeks easily tinted a soft shade of pink though as his sweater was pulled up to expose his stomach and chest. Although, he didn't sense any dirty intent when he gazed at the other, seeing his lips holding a soft smile, after a few moments as the male gazing at his body he soon returned back to his position before. He didn't mind Sangwoo touching on his body as he was, it felt nice, relaxing actually, his gentle hands moving to his waist and rubbing at it all the while his own hands had returned to Sangwoo's shoulders, continuing to rub/massage them gently and carefully.

-The amount of comfort he felt around Yoonbum was overwhelming in the best way possible. He would never feel such comfort at his home when he was young or his days before he met Yoonbum. There was always anxiety rushing through him or episodes of him being overwhelmed. But now he had a place where he could find comfort in, which was Yoonbum. His fingers trailed over his soft and pale skin, gently rubbing on his waist and hips as he kept his head close to his chest where he coukd hear the others heartbeat. A steady heartbeat. He closed his eyes and smiled a bit to himself. He enjoyed this moment quite a lot, not even minding cookie laying on his lower back-
"I'm not crushing you am I..?"
-He asked after a few minutes of laying there, hoping he was spreading his weight enough to not crush him-

Yoonbum shut his eyes delicately, his mind following Sangwoo's gentle touch over his skin as he rubbed on his waist and hips. Feeling his hand on his body soothed him greatly, and to have Sangwoo's head resting right on his chest area, this was so sweet to him, unaware but also aware at the same time that the other was listening to his heartbeat. After a few moments though his eyes fluttered open to the other's question only to then shut as he shook his head a bit, all the while continuing to rub at Sangwoo's shoulders gently. "No, you're alright.. don't worry..." He spoke softly in a reassuring tone, he was alright and even if Sangwoo had been crushing him he would have been perfectly alright so as they stayed so peaceful with one another. Feeling so at peace with himself, no anxieties plaguing his mind, he was so calm and level-headed for once. Ever since he was small, just like Sangwoo, always having some sort of creeping anxiety swarming his mind. From all the treatment he experienced from his uncle, his grandmother, the people at school, and even simply strangers. All of it piled up and ate away at him everyday, resulting in his constant paranoia and anxiety, his bouts of being able to trust Sangwoo while simultaneously not. All of it disappeared, this moment, was one he never wished would end, wanting it to last forever. This gentleness, it was something so new yet familiar. Sangwoo was the one he would ever feel this feeling with, he was sure of it.

-Sangwoo was finally relaxing and taking his time to just breathe and let time pass by. A good 20 minutes had passed of him resting and falling in and out of sleep. His body was tired so he would take the shortest naps without realizing and then wake up repeatedly by his body jolting. He opened his eye once more as he looked towards the black TV screen. He could see his reflection reflection saw Bum through it. He looked up at Bum and leaned up a bit, kissing his collarbone as he did so-
"I was going in and out of sleep..  sorry about that.."
-He commented as his body had jolted itself back awake multiple times which might have been annoying for the other. He then laid back down a bit and let his eyes wander. His gaze landed on Bum's covered arm. The arm that officer had grabbed and left a bruise. He reached over and wrapped his fingers around his wrist after pulling up his sleeve. There was the bruise on his forearm. He was stable now so he didn't over react when seeing it this time but it still pained him to see it, flashbacks of the nightmare still in his mind. He pulled his forearm closer to him by the wrist and started leaving gentle kisses onto the bruise and around it-

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