Chapter Three

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I glance over to Ava's office and see her attention focused on the computer, my lower lip taken between my teeth. She is phenomenal; easily assuring the Zetters that everything they can tell us is for their own good.

My hand reaches up and I scratch my cheek, feeling the ridge of my scar as I do so. I review my notes and my phone rings, my hand picking it up.

"Detective Styles," I say, grabbing my pen.

"Hi, I was called earlier. This is Bernadette Zetter," the woman's voice says, my head nodding.

"Yes, thank you for returning my call. I had a few questions to ask you and was curious if you'd be willing to speak with us," I say, a small silence taking over the other end of the phone.

"What for? Am I in trouble?" she asks, and I lean back in my chair.

"A body was found in the backyard of Doug and Joan Zetter, your aunt and uncle. Since you had recently visited, we would like to set up an interview with you," I explain, and I hear her gasp on the other end of the phone.

"Sure. I am no longer in the area though," she says, a baffled tone laced in her words. I reach to grab my notepad.

"We would like to speak to you in your home, if that's alright. If you provide your address, we can set up a date that works with you," I elaborate, and I click the pen. She gives me her address, explaining it's her father's home.

"It's alright. We would just like to speak to you and understand the time you spent with your family," I tell her, and she agrees. We set up a time for tomorrow afternoon and I hang up the phone.

"I'm assuming that was Ms. Zetter," Ava says, standing in my doorway.

"We'll meet with her tomorrow afternoon," I explain to her, and she nods.

"Thank you for contacting her. All I have to do is touch base with the coroner tomorrow and we can go," she informs me.

"Alright, sounds like a plan," I reply, and she reaches over. There's a piece of paper in-between her fingers and I retrieve it, opening it up.

"That's my cell number. My card just has the station phone, so if you need to contact me, there you go," she explains, my lips pursing to force myself not to smirk.

"Thanks, I can give you mine," I say, writing it on the back of my own card. She takes it, my eyes taking in that there isn't a ring on her finger. The observation gives me insight she's not in a relationship, or at least not in a serious one such as engagement.

"I'll be in touch," she says, waving my card and walking out of my office.

I slouch in my chair for a brief moment before I get back to work, looking back at the coordinates we received earlier. It's the home of a woman named Jaqueline Rae. Once I write it in my notes, I try to write out a plot to solving what's going on. If I write it out, it helps me make connections better.

I pack up for the night and glance at Ava, seeing she's no longer in her office. She's in with the Chief's so I choose to allow them to talk, walking out of the office for the night. My drive home is once again filled with thoughts about Ava and I don't understand the reason as to why. There hasn't been a woman on my mind like this in years. I'd been so focused on work and now that I happen to work with an extremely attractive one, I find myself with women on my mind again. Specifically her.

When I get home, I change my clothes to get ready for a run and start to make myself something to eat before I go. It's around seven by the time I get ready to leave so I grab Zeus' leash. We get ready to go and I pull my beanie over my head, walking down the stairs with him. Once I figure out our route, I guide Zeus over to the corner and we start running.

We navigate throughout the city and we take a break at a bench, my body sitting on it so I can pet Zeus as he catches his breath. It's always good to get out and get some fresh air; running a good break in the day.

Zeus and I walk around after, deciding to give him a break from running. We haven't run in a while so I'd rather ease him back in, so we walk along the street. A few people stop and pet him, and I chat with a few of them for a while. Mainly talking about Zeus, but a few ask how my day has been and I do the same.

We round the corner to my street and I pause when I see what I think is Ava. My suspicions are proven correct when I see her long blonde hair covering her back, a smile on her lips. She's aided into a car by a man and I watch her get in, the man walking to the other side of the car.

To ensure I don't look like I'm staring, I continue to walk with Zeus and I see the headlights go on. I keep walking and avoid looking at the car, but I fail. There's a moment where I meet her eyes, but the car pulls away before I get the chance to give her a quick wave to acknowledge I've seen her.

Then the car's gone, and I keep walking to my apartment. A few thoughts flood through my brain, curious if she's actually in a relationship. She's a gorgeous woman, and I'd almost find it impossible she isn't in one.

When Zeus and I reach the building, I unlock the door and walk in. We walk up the stairs and I get to my door, unlocking it. I feel clouded with the past few moments and I keep trying to get my mind away from it. It's stupid for me to even be thinking about Ava's relationship status, but it's hard for me to not ponder it.

Ava is basically my boss, and I'd be a fool to tamper with a woman like her. There is no chance, and I need to keep it there. It's final, and I need to get her out of my head.

I feed Zeus and go to my room, taking my shirt off to start undressing for my shower. My hand grabs a towel from the hallway closet and I go into the bathroom. The steam melts away my stress and I wash up, making sure I wipe away all my thoughts from earlier. I didn't realize the struggle I was going to have working here.

There has always been a lack of women in the field; something I never understood. Now that I'm working beside Ava, I'm starting to feel the necessity of having a strong woman like her in the role. It's good to see that.

It also helps that she's professional. Much more than I when it comes to how I'm beginning to become attracted to her. Confidence is honestly the biggest turn on for me, and shit does she have a lot of it.

After the shower, I put on sweatpants and walk into the living room. I message Mitch about getting drinks tomorrow with the guys, knowing after the questioning of Bernadette will more than likely give us some sort of lead. It'll be a long day tomorrow, that's for sure.

Mitch: I'm always down for a drink. I'm stressed as hell too.

He's the owner of a graphic design company and it has been getting a lot of business. He's been hiring a lot of new people and training them, testing their abilities, and trusting they'll do what they need to is draining.

Harry: 8pm at Lou's?

Mitch: Hell yeah I'll be there.

I click my phone off and turn the television on, Zeus jumping onto the couch to sit beside me. My hand pets the top of his head and I let him settle his head on my thigh, hearing him take a sigh. When I got Zeus, he was in pretty rough shape. I did everything I could to train him and get him comfortable with me. He had been in a shelter after being abused, but he was so good when I met him. All he needed was someone to take care of him.

Once I finish a few episodes of a show, I get ready for bed and grab my phone. I read through a few articles online before I shut it off for the night.

After a restless night's sleep, I get up and get dressed for work. I walk over to my kitchen and start making coffee, eating a banana while my toast is in the toaster.

I grab my phone and I see a message from an unknown number, my eyebrows furrowing.

Unknown: I have one of SUV's from the station. I should be back around 2 to go to New York.

My lips smile. I had forgotten to put Ava's number into my phone and I text her back, telling her that her plan sounds good.

My toast pops up and I grab the slices, placing peanut butter on them. I take a bite and walk over to the cupboard, scooping up Zeus' food and setting it in his bowl. He devours it in nearly seconds and I continue to eat the toast. Once finished, I take Zeus out before I head to work for what seems will be an interesting, yet eventful day. 

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