Chapter Fifty

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I follow Ava up the stairs and we find Mario Escara and Maria Leon walking to a door, Ava and I keeping a distance. They had come to the grand hotel in the middle of the city, so it's public property.

"Alright," Ava sighs, and we walk over to the door. We can hear them laughing inside and then there's silence, my lips pressing together.

Ava's hand pounds on the door shortly after we arrive. "Police, open up!" she states, my hands setting on my hips as we wait.

The door opens and Mario looks at us, his body around the same stature as mine.

"Can I help you?" he asks, his shirt buttons undone.

"I'm Lieutenant Nicks with the Manhattan Police Department. This is Detective Styles. We need to speak to Maria Leon," she states, and I show my badge along with Ava.

"She's not here," he states, but Ava shoves the door open. A woman stands inside and I walk in behind Ava.

"Maria Leon?" Ava states, and the girl nods. Her body is small and she looks like she hasn't eaten in days.

"Look, we're in the middle of something," Escara starts, but I put my hand up.

"We have been trying to reach you for almost two weeks. We would like to ask you a few questions," Ava says to her, and Escara looks at me.

"You contacted me yesterday. What do you want with her?" Escara asks Ava, putting his hand on her shoulder. My hand pushes him off her and he glares at me.

"One more touch and I'm taking you to the station," I state firmly, and he holds his hands up.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to speak to you," Ava says to Maria again, and she just nods her head. Her eyes are frantic and she looks like a deer in headlights.

Mario runs his hands through his hair and I watch him closely while Ava takes Maria to the living room.

"I don't know what you want from me," Maria says, her voice laced with an accent. She takes a seat and Ava stands in front of her, my body behind hers.

"Where have you been the past week or so?" Ava starts, and Maria stays silent.

"I've been interviewing with modeling agencies," she says, her voice wavering slightly.

"Can you tell me where?" Ava continues, and Maria takes a deep breath. She tells us where she interviewed and it's clear she was at all the places of the men murdered.

"Are you aware that two men were murdered within a week?" Ava asks Maria, and Maria just stares at her.

"What are you getting at?" Maria asks, standing up. My body intervenes and I place my arm between the two of them, making sure Maria keeps her distance.

"We found your DNA on both Emmett Oliver and Luis Julio, both men that were murdered," Ava explains, and I move away from them.

"What the fuck? You think she did this?" Mario states, and I put my hand up to silence him.

"That's not possible," Maria defends, and Ava stands her ground with this woman.

"We collected samples of your DNA around the victim's genitals. Were you having sexual relations with these men?" Ava asks, and Mario seems beside himself.

"What the fuck," he whispers, and I keep watch on him.

"Yes I did, but I didn't do that," Maria states, and I turn my attention back to them.

"Maria, you were the last person to see these men before they died," Ava says, and Maria shoves Ava so quickly I couldn't stop it.

"Stop trying to tell me I killed them! I didn't do anything," Maria says, and I move Maria away from Ava.

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