Chapter Twenty Three

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I ring the buzzer to Harry's apartment, then hear the lock click. My hand pulls the door open and I walk up the stairs, tightening my jacket on my body. There is a feeling washing over me that I'm not sure what it is. It's like I'm walking into a situation I know I shouldn't; it's a rush of adrenaline.

There isn't much to the situation other than going to my coworkers' home; a coworker I very much like more than any before. I've told myself a million times how dangerous this is, not only for me, but for Harry. Now that I know he was a part of my past, our relationship is more complicated that I had assumed.

After I knock on the door, I hear barking and I bite my lower lip. Harry unlocks the door and opens it, giving me a smile.

"Hello Ava," he grins, my lips reciprocating the gesture. But attention is drawn to the pit-bull currently jumping onto my legs. I crouch down and pet him, running my fingers over his ears.

"Okay, let's get into the apartment," Harry says, nudging Zeus back inside. When I stand tall, Harry welcomes me in and closes the door after me.

"Alright Nicks, what do you want to eat?" I hear Harry, my attention diverting back to him.

"Nicks?" I wonder, his lips in a smirk as he opens his refrigerator.

"Testing it out. Kind of like it," he grins, dimples appearing almost instantly. It's not all that weird for people to call me Nicks, but from him, it's foreign. I'd become accustomed to his voice calling me Ava, but I find my last name appealing just as so.

"I'm fine with whatever you like," I say, taking a seat on the stool by the counter. He grabs a few things he's collected and places them on the counter.

"Then you are in for a damn treat," he says, turning to face me. I raise an eyebrow, intrigued at his words. He had mentioned he enjoys cooking, just as I do, and I'm immediately interested by the ingredients he's laid out. From the looks of it, he's about to make fried rice.

"Can't wait," I tell him, removing my jacket and placing it on the stool beside my own.

My eyes glance over at him as he starts to put things together, his back currently face me. His broad shoulders are outline in the shirt he's wearing and the muscles are visible through the thin material. Due to his broad stature, the shirt becomes loose at his waist and I can just barely recall feeling over the muscles on his torso.

Deciding to distract myself from what's going on in my mind, I turn my attention to the dog currently sitting by my feet. His eyes are the definition of puppy eyes and I find myself absolutely in love with him. I'd never been one to enjoy animals, as weird as it sounds, but I think Zeus is going to grow on me.

"Nicks?" I hear Harry, my attention diverting back to him. He leans against the counter in front of me, meeting my eyes with his own.

"When's your birthday?" he asks, and I give him an amused look. I'm suspicious; unsure what he wants with that information.

"Why?" I smirk, his lower lip taken between his teeth. He's up to something; I hate it.

"Am I not allowed to ask that question? It's simple enough," he tries, and I set my head on my hand as I lean onto the granite counter.

"It's February 1," I tell him, and his jaw damn near drops to the floor.

"You're shitting me?" he asks, and I can't help but laugh. I have no idea what the big deal is.

"Why would I joke about it?" I laugh, his hand grabbing my arm. He pulls me closer.

"Show me your ID. So I know you're not lying," he almost demands, but there's an amused tone to his voice.

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