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I pack up my desk, moving all of my things into boxes.

"Denver is going to be lucky to have you for a while," the Chief says, walking into my office.

"Thanks. I think I need a change. I appreciate your understanding," I tell him, and he smiles at me.

"Of course. Hopefully they won't keep you too long," he says, and I thank him once more. I grab the last box and walk back to my car, setting the box in the trunk.

A deep breath is released from my lips as I take a seat behind the wheel, putting my seatbelt on. I steer my car in the direction of my house and I park in the garage, walking in.

I've decided to keep this house just so I can move back when I'm ready. I've offered it to Michael for the time being, and he was more than willing to move in and pay for it with me. It meant a lot to me how understanding he was when I told him I needed to move back to Denver for a while. It pains me to think I had to do this, but with the revelation Harry had, I don't have any other choice.

All of my clothes are packed and I make sure one box is safely stored in my bag, not wanting it out of my sight.

Michael comes into the kitchen and he gives me a hug.

"Don't you ever hesitate to call me. I will go anywhere you need me to. And you will always be welcome here," he assures, and I feel myself on the edge. I squeeze my eyes shut and I don't stop the tears from falling.

"Ava," he sighs, tightening his arms. I feel like I'm breaking.

"I shouldn't have gotten too close," I whisper, his hand coming up to my hair.

"Yes you should have," he soothes, and I shake my head.

I knew it was dangerous. All along I keep telling myself that exact thing, but I didn't listen to myself. What happened years ago should have stayed there. None of this would be happening if I stayed away from Harry in the first place.

"No," I cry, his hand lifting my face.

"You listened to your heart, Ava. Not your head. I know it's hard, but you had to have known all along that you couldn't help yourself from feeling what you felt for Harry," he tries, and I bow my head.

I'm ashamed of myself for falling for him. The one person I have feelings for turns out to be someone I harmed in the past.

"Look, if he feels the same way about you, which I'm sure he does, things will work out. Love has a way of doing that," he says, and I push him away.

"Love? You think I love him?" I sneer, but he laughs.

"Ava, I'm far more experienced than you when it comes to relationships. What you two have is something far deeper than a fling, and I know you have no concept of emotion. This feeling you have, is love for him. You will deny it all you want, but it's the truth," he states, and I clench my jaw.

There's no way in hell I love him. If I loved him, I think I would know.

But then again, I don't know what I even feel for him. It's all so complicated and I feel as though so much happened in such a small amount of time. There's no way to say I love him because we've barely even known each other for more than a few months.

"Look, love knows no boundaries. It can happen at anytime or anywhere to anyone. It can be a moment you have with one person and it draws you in. You had that draw to Harry and it's clear to see he had that same draw to you," Michael explains, and I run my hand through my hair.

This is the last thing I want to be talking about right now. I'm already moving away to escape this city because this too will bring reminders of what I had done. I hurt Harry; I deserve every ounce of pain I'm feeling right now.

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