Chapter Forty Eight

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"I can't contact her anywhere. I've tried every modeling agency in the city, her house, and I called hospitals. No one has seen Maria since her interview with Luis," Isaac explains, and I purse my lips. This is becoming so ungodly irritating; frustration creeping up on everyone.

"I am trying to find a way to see if she's applying for any positions," Harry says, and I look up a few hiring agencies in the area. None of them are really looking, but I'm hopeful one of these companies can have some indication as to when Ms. Leon is.

"The hair was matched to Maria. It's almost a positive that she's committed these crimes, unless she had someone else performing them right after sex," Isaac says, and I furrow my eyebrows when I read a particular bit of information.

"What?" Harry asks, and I pick up my phone. I dial Annabella's number and I wait for her to answer.

"Ava, I was just going to call you actually," she says, and I grab a pen.

"What were you going to say?" I ask, and I hear clicking on the other end of the phone. She's typing on her computer.

"There is a modeling agency hiring. Mario Escara is the agent," she tells me, and I nod my head.

"That's exactly what I was calling you about. Do you know if she's applied?" I ask, and she doesn't.

"I'm almost a hundred percent positive she would be. He's very good at his job and is looking for new people. He rarely does this," she explains, and I thank her.

"Any word on social media?" I wonder.

"Not at the moment. I'm still keeping close watch on it," she explains, and I thank her before hanging up the phone.

"What's up?" Isaac asks, and I look up at him.

"Mario Escara is looking for models. He's a very good agent and Maria will more than likely be one of the applicants," I share, and Harry grabs his notes.

"That's one of the names I have down as well," he tells me, and I smile over at him. He grins back and then I look to Isaac.

"Can you contact them and see when they are holding interviews?" I ask Isaac and he agrees.

He leaves the office and closes the door, my hand taking notes as I search through the database. I look for Mario Escara and find a clean criminal record.

If Maria is going after an agent, that could be even more dangerous. There's a potential for serious media and the last thing we need on our hands is another victim. Serial killers are dangerous and knowing that there is one walking the streets of New York is very unsettling.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I look into the model Maria had an altercation with a few years ago. I find her information and I dial her number, giving her a call.

"This is Penelope," she says as she answers.

"Hi Penelope, my name is Lieutenant Ava Nicks with the Manhattan Police Department. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" I ask.

"Sure. What can I help you with?" she asks, and I take a look at the file.

"I'm curious to know your relation with Maria Leon," I state, and she snorts.

"She is not my friend. She hit me in a restaurant two years ago and I was an idiot who didn't press charges," she says, and I frown.

"Can you explain what caused the altercation?" I ask, trying to get as much information about Maria as I can.

"A few aspiring models decided to go out for drinks after a mock fashion show. Maria was talking about something and I started talking with another girl about a man I had been seeing," she starts, and I take a few notes.

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