Chapter Forty Nine

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"Nice hat, Nicks," Harry grins, and I roll my eyes.

"I'm cold, let it be," I say, the black beanie resting over my hair. It's nearly negative degrees outside and the last thing I wanted to be while sitting in a cop car was cold.

"Are you ready?" he asks, and I shrug. I grab a bulletproof vest and hold it in my hands, not wanting to wear it until I actually have to.

There's a lingering fear I have in my brain that this isn't the person; Maria could just be in the right place at the wrong time.

"Let's go," I say, and we walk to the car. Harry gets in to drive and I sit in the passenger's seat, resting my vest on my lap.

"I just want to make sure you're safe through all this," Harry comments, and I look over at him. He's serious and I smile at him, still not used to the care he gives me.

"Harry, this isn't my first rodeo. I've arrested people far bigger than you before," I say, his head turning to look at me.

"Bigger than me?" he asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Harry, you are big as in muscular. I'm talking chubby men who think they're invincible. Trust me, they didn't feel that way after I knocked them on their asses," I say, and he smiles at my words.

"That's hot," he says, and I can't help but laugh.

Our relationship has gotten stronger over the past few days after Harry told me he wanted me. He wants me to be his and I had no idea how to respond, simply because I know I can't be a girlfriend. All I want with him is to be able to be with him with no one else coming in between. I'm sure he was only trying to make sure I still thought the same, and after everything we've done and how we feel when we're with each other, I've thought more. I have feelings for him and at the moment, I don't think that's going to ever change.

Harry reaches over and grabs my hand, continuing to drive down the street.

"After tonight, I'm hoping I can finally feel at ease again. This case is driving me up a wall with how many questions are going unanswered," he says, and I set my other hand on top of his.

"All I'm hoping is that this is it. Maria Leon has already given me a bad first impression and I haven't even met her," I sigh out, his thumb running against my knuckles.

"She just seems jealous and desperate," he observes, and I nod in agreement.

Harry pulls up to the street of the party and I grab the radio, holding it to my mouth.

"Officer Gross, do you copy?" I ask, and I click it off.

"Copy, Lieutenant," he says, ending the call. I set it back on the dashboard and I make sure the dashcam is turned off, not needing it yet.

"I didn't bring my gun," I tell Harry, and he nods.

"I have mine. I'm really hoping we won't need it," he sighs, and I bite my lower lip. The last thing I want is for violent actions to occur.

My eyes observe out the window and I take in the many people walking into the building. Women are nearly skin and bones in elaborate dresses, men are dressed to the nines, and cameras are flashing outside.

"There are a shit ton of people here," Harry comments, my sight landing on the person in question.

"She looks like a fish out of water," I say, taking in Maria Leon.

Her dress isn't nearly as elaborate as the other women attending, and her hair isn't styled as professional either. I almost feel bad, simply because I know her situation. She's trying to make it, but when she doesn't dress the part, it makes it even harder.

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