Chapter Thirty Three

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I take watch in my squad car, peering out the window as the Chief and Harry arrest Marcus Olsen in his apartment. My lips press firmly together and I watch, not all too hung up over the events happening at the moment.

After we sent in the two DNA samples, we waited 24 hours for them to be developed and matched with those collected from the rape kit. The lab called this morning and told us there was a match and it belonged to that of Marcus Olsen.

We obtained an arrest warrant for him and now he's currently cuffed and pushed into the backseat of the Chief's car.

My attention turns back to the steering wheel and I set the keys back into the ignition, starting the car. I make my way through the suburbs and to Katrina's home. Once I park out front, I walk up to the door. Jane answers the door shortly after I knock.

"Lieutenant, it's good to see you again," she smiles, and I do the same.

"Mind if I come in?" I ask, and she welcomes me in.

"Is Katrina here?" I ask, and then I hear footsteps come down the stairs.

"Hi Ava," she smiles, and I do the same.

"Can I get you anything to drink? Eat?" her mother asks, and I decline.

The news I bear is going to be reassuring, but awful in many ways. It's a family member of theirs, but he placed harm to a beautiful young woman.

"I have to talk to you about some things," I say, and they ask to sit at the table. I join them and take a seat, unbuttoning my suit coat after removing my winter jacket.

"We arrested the man who assaulted you in the park this morning," I tell them, and Katrina starts to pale. I understand this is not going to be the easiest conversation, but Officer Oliver insisted I was the one to speak to them. I've developed a decent relationship with Katrina and Jessi seemed to find it more appropriate for me to speak to her.

"It was Marcus Olsen," I say, and Jane covers her face. Katrina starts to cry and I reach over, her hand taking mine.

"We were able to collect his DNA from a cup he drank from in our interview. It matched with the DNA we collected after your assault," I explain, and Jane has tears prickling in her eyes.

"Oh fuck," she says, and Katrina squeezes my hand.

"Is he going to jail?" Katrina asks, and I frown.

"He will be. It's undetermined how long his sentence will be, at the moment, but the trial will need to be scheduled," I explain, and Jane looks at me.

"What has to happen?" she asks, wiping her eyes.

"There will be a trial, and Katrina will more than likely have to testify. He has a sexual misconduct charge for two accounts. One was verbal sexual assault on a minor and sexual assault," I explain, and Jane furrows her eyebrows.

"A minor?" she gasps, horrified as she glances to Katrina. I'm unsure how to approach the situation considering Katrina withheld the information from her.

"Mom," Katrina sighs, and takes a shaky breath in. "He's been saying things to me since I first met him."

"Like what? Why didn't you tell me?" Jane asks, trying to be calm.

"Mrs. Olsen, I need you to be understanding," I try, and she looks at me. I can tell she's more than likely upset at me for intervening, but I don't want her to push Katrina into talking about the subject.

"He talked about my boobs, my butt, and-and would say really awful things to me," Katrina rushes, tears spilling from her eyes. Jane looks at her, worry in her expression. I can't imagine how it would feel for your child to be exposed to such things. Especially when it was under the roof you live in.

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