Chapter Thirty Seven

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I stir in bed, reaching beside me to find the bed empty. My eyes open slightly to ensure the sunlight doesn't blind me. The sheets are in disarray and the beautiful blonde is missing from the confines.

I run my palm over my face and I try to collect myself as images of last night flood my memory. There are no words to even begin to describe what happened. My assumption when I came over here was just to spend some time with Ava innocently, but it quickly shifted when she allowed me to just touch her. When she had asked how I was feeling, I literally had no answer.

It became clear that we both felt drawn to each other and she allowed me to have her. The idea alone had seemed out of reach when I had first met her, but something switched. I don't know what it was, but I'm not going to deny that it makes me ecstatic.

Ava is quite literally perfect. It wasn't a shock to find her body absolutely beautiful; stunning in every way. She allowed me to have her, all of her, and the thought still boggles me. I didn't want to have sex the way I normally do, and in all honesty, I think the way we had sex was different for her too. The moment felt as if we needed to go slow, in a sense, to discover how we move together. It was new for both of us.

I run my fingers through my hair and I push myself up, moving to grab my jeans from the floor. We had put our underwear on shortly after we finished, and we didn't stay up much longer after. She surprised me by allowing me to hold her. For some reason, I thought I wasn't going to be able to. And honestly, I didn't think I was even going to be able to stay.

Searching for my shirt, I can't seem to find it on the ground and I frown. I must have thrown it somewhere I can't find, but I don't remember throwing it that far. Before I start to search, I ponder if Ava put it on. Her sweater is on the ground, but her shorts are missing. Unwillingly, a smirk plasters on my lips and I take a seat on the bed. I grab my phone, seeing that it's only six in the morning. Fuck, even though it was a short amount of time to sleep, it felt like the best night sleep I've gotten in a long time.

Once I decide to get up, I reach in my pocket and grab a piece of gum. I usually carry one just in case I forget to brush my teeth, and right now, I thank God I brought one. The last thing I want is to have morning breath.

My feet walk the hall and I decide to look around, taking a look into a few of the rooms. Her house is big for someone who lives alone. Each room is furnished and looks pristine; it's impressive.

I find Ava in a room down the hall, her body in a position where she's sitting with her legs crossed. Her eyes are closed and she looks so serene. Then I recall her mentioning that she does yoga every morning for relaxation. My body leans on the doorframe, unable to help myself but to watch her.

Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail on the top of her head, allowing me to get a look at her tight jawline and perfect silhouette. It's still unknown to me how anyone can be that beautiful. But my eyes fall to my shirt residing on her torso; the material so loose on her. I've felt how slim she is, but I didn't put much thought that her body is half the size of mine, if not more.

Deciding to make my presence known somehow, I walk in quietly and take a seat beside her. She doesn't open her eyes and I mimic her position. My eyes are drawn to her; not wanting to stare but I can't help myself.

"Want me to teach you?" she asks, turning her head to the side. Her gray eyes meet mine and I smile at her, her lips tilting upwards to give a shy smile.

"I can't promise I'll be any good," I reply, and she just shrugs her shoulders.

"No worries," she says, and moves to stand up. I follow, and she faces me. Her height is shorter than mine at the moment, and she looks up at me.

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