Chapter Five

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I knock on the door in front of me, awaiting the arrival of Bernadette Zetter on the other side. Ava stands beside me and the door shakes, opening to reveal a petite woman.

"Ms. Zetter?" I ask, and she nods. Ava and I both show our badges as we introduce ourselves, Bernadette inviting us in. She guides us to the kitchen, inviting us to take a seat.

"I had asked my father to excuse himself for the time being, hoping to alleviate any sort of interference," she tells us, my head nodding.

I take a look around the room and don't see much in the simplistic home. All I see is a coffee machine on the counter, along with a basket of fruit.

"May I get you anything to drink? Water, coffee, tea?" she rushes, clearly nervous, and I hold up my hand.

"We're okay. All I ask is you calm down; we just have a few questions," I say softly, hoping to alleviate some of her nerves she's clearly feeling. It's not every day the police want to question you; I understand the anxiousness. She takes a seat in front of us, folding her hands on the table.

"Before we begin, I do have to acknowledge we have to record our questioning. Is that alright?" Ava states, and Bernadette agrees without hesitation.

"Your aunt and uncle had discovered a body buried in their backyard early in the morning on Monday. We would like to discuss your stay with them last week," Ava begins, holding a pen between her fingers.

"Yes. I was there visiting a few friends," she starts, my eyes attentive to Bernadette's body language.

"Can you describe each day you had while in Manhattan?" Ava continues, Bernadette shifting in her chair. It's an uncomfortable adjustment, her unease clear.

"I arrived on Tuesday and spent the night catching up with my aunt and uncle. Then on Wednesday, I met up with my friends during the day," she elaborates, my eyes glancing to Ava.

She's focused; eyes never looking away from Bernadette.

"Can you give us the names of your friends?" Ava suggests, Bernadette playing with the ends of her sleeves.

"Yes, there's Gina Turner, Felicity Leonard, and Victoria Peters," she tells us, my face remaining the same despite the victim's name being mentioned. Ava does much the same.

"And after you met with your friends?" Ava continues, disregarding the victim's name for the sake of the interview.

"My boyfriend came to my aunt and uncle's and we had dinner together," Bernadette explains, Ava writing everything down.

"Can you give us his name?" I ask, and she nods once more.

"His name is Alexander Cross. We met last year at a concert," she explains, Ava writing it down.

"Your friends have met him as well, I'm assuming?" I ask, and she further explains their relationship.

"They were at the concert with me. My friend, Victoria, she never got along with him," she explains, and I bite my lip. I write down on my notepad what's running through my mind. We have a connection, and I'm curious as to what Ava's plan of attack is. This is her decision; I want to see how she works her cases.

"Describe their interactions for me," Ava encourages, Bernadette folding her hands in her lap again.

"Um, to preface, Alexander is 35, nearly ten years older than us. My friends and I all met in high school. Victoria was the only one hesitant about the age difference, and she had expressed concern about it. Alexander also has a lot of tattoos and I think she had assumptions he wasn't a guy I should be spending time with," Bernadette further explains, my hand writing my thoughts on my notepad. I have increasing suspect of her boyfriend.

"Alexander never hurt me, never did anything to make me worry. Victoria was never afraid to express her...feelings towards Alexander. She was always cold and unwelcoming whenever he was around," she sighs, clearly distraught her friend wasn't approving of her relationship.

"Does Mr. Cross live near you or your aunt and uncle?" Ava asks, Bernadette shaking her head.

"He's from Rochester. He lives with his mother there, but he used to live in Manhattan with a coworker of his. I'm unsure of his name. But when I had told him I was visiting the girls, he wanted to meet up with me as well. So he stayed with his old coworker when I stayed with my aunt and uncle," she tells us, my interest in the coworker now there.

"So he visited his old coworker while you visited your friends, then met up Wednesday night, correct?" I clarify, and she confirms.

"Then I left on Thursday. I didn't see Alexander before I left. He told me he returned home the same day in Rochester," she tells us, my hand writing down the timeline briefly. I look to Ava and she finishes writing on her notepad.

"Ms. Zetter, we appreciate your time and for answering our questions," Ava begins, "But I do have information to give you."

Ava has made the decision to tell Bernadette about her friend. It's hard news to bear and I sit up in my chair, awaiting the news.

"Monday morning, the body was exhumed from a shallow grave buried in the backyard of your aunt and uncle's home. Upon examination, the autopsy results showed it was the body of Victoria Peters," Ava reveals, Bernadette's face falling.

"What?" she breathes out, Ava leaning against the table with folded hands.

"Your friend Victoria has been murdered, and we are currently working on her case. Our Chief has called her parents to relay the information. I'm sorry for your loss," Ava says, Bernadette beginning to grow emotional. It's understandable given the state of the matter.

"How? I don't understand," she begins to cry, my body sitting up further. In doing so, my knee brushes Ava's and I quickly move it away, Ava unphased at the small amount of contact.

"We will do everything we can to give you the answers to all the questions you have. You can contact either of us if you think of new information or possible ideas you may have in regard to the events that have led up to your friend's passing," Ava words, my head nodding. I reach in my pocket and hand Bernadette my card.

"Once again, I'm sorry for your loss," Ava tells her, hitting the end of the recording.

Ava packs up and we excuse ourselves from Bernadette's home, her body following us to close the door behind us.

We don't speak a word until we get into the car, Ava only sighing once we get in.

"Never gets easier," I breathe out, turning the car on. Ava takes a moment to herself before she buckles her seatbelt, then turns to face me.

"Let's get something to eat," she states, clearly needing a distraction.

"Any suggestions?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Anywhere you'd like. I'm not picky," she tells me, and I steer the car out of the driveway.

Ava's silent and I take a moment to glance at her, her eyes looking out the window.

"You alright?" I ask for the second time while in the car with her. There's a lot going on in both of our minds based on the information Bernadette has just given us, more than a few names now on the list for questioning.

"I'm fine, it's just a lot to think about. Today's going to be a long day," she says, my head nodding. I knew going into today that it was going to be a long day, and I hope we can get through it together to make it easier. 

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