Chapter Thirty Five

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"Harry, good to see you," the Chief says, shaking my hand. I offer him the bottle of wine I brought and he thanks me, inviting me in.

"There are a few people I want to introduce you too. And you can call me Jerry now that we're outside of the station," he smiles, and I nod my head.

I'm led further into the house and I look around, taking in my surroundings. The house is huge and it's elaborate, decorated to a point I don't want to touch anything. There's no sign of dust anywhere and I'm astonished at how beautiful everything looks.

"This is my wife, Marnie," he tells me, introducing me. I shake her hand she gives me a bright smile, immediately beginning to talk.

"I'm so happy you are here. You look amazing," she says, taking note to the suit and tie I have on. It's a bowtie, but none-the-less made sure I looked good.

"This is my son, Jacob. He's just finished school at UCLA," the Chief beams, my hand shaking his next.

"What did you study?" I ask, putting my hand back in my pocket.

"Engineering," he tells me. "I want to hopefully work up to pharmaceutical."

"Nice. Sounds like quite the challenge," I tell him, his laugh following my words. Engineering was never in the cards for me. It's a difficult subject.

"And this is my daughter Annabella," the Chief says, directing me to a woman in the kitchen. People are scattered about and I look at his daughter, her dark brown hair long and cascading down her back.

"Nice to meet you," she tells me, shaking my hand. Her fingers are freezing cold, I observe.

"Harry," I introduce myself, and she grins. Her brown eyes are dark and surrounded by so much makeup.

I walk further into the kitchen and I go to the bar, getting whiskey on the rocks. A few officers are not too far away and I walk over, starting up conversation with them.

It's mindless conversation, nothing all too thought provoking. Having these conversations makes a lot of the weight from work go away. Now we're talking about football and that seems to get so much interest from the guys.

"You play in high school?" one asks, and I shake my head.

"Nah, I was homeschooled, unfortunately," I sigh, and another officer makes a disgusted noise.

"God that must have sucked, no offense," he says, and I laugh it off. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either.

"It's alright. Wasn't my favorite but I was able to get through a lot of classes quicker," I say. "Wish I got the whole sport experience though. My dad put me through kickboxing lessons instead."

"Dude, that's sweet. You still do it?" I shake my head, taking a sip of my drink.

"Okay, okay, since we're not at work, I gotta ask," one of the officers says, my head nodding.

"You catch a thing for Lieutenant yet?" he asks, and I furrow my eyebrows. I don't like where this is going.

"What do you mean?" I wonder, and a few of the guys look at each other.

"You know, want to get with her? Look, we've all had the opportunity to work with her in some way, and let me tell you, if I didn't work beneath her, I'd have asked her out," one says, and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously?" I ask, and the all start to laugh.

"Yeah. I mean, look at her. She's hot as hell," one tells me, and I shrug my shoulders.

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