Chapter Nine

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Ava is silent the entire drive home, and I don't blame her. Alexander Cross has a clear prejudice against women, and I hated watching his behavior towards Ava. It took so much in me to not step in and tell him to watch how he spoke to her, but I knew if I did so, it would be unprofessional. That, and it would step in the way of who Ava is. She's a strong, confident, and clearly independent woman, and it is not my place to stand up for her.

We get to the station late and Ava is out of the car in seconds, walking in quickly. By the time I get in, she is already in her chair and picking up the phone.

I don't hear who she's on the phone with, so I make my way to my office. Whoever it is she's talking to, I see an emotion I hadn't really seen from her. There's an empathetic, concerned look on her face and I'm curious to who on the other end of the call. I file away the information from today, knowing I'll work on my leads tomorrow.

When Ava hangs up the phone, I glance over and see her hands run over her face. If I'm exhausted, I can't imagine how she must be feeling.

I knock on the door and she signals for me to walk in. She invites me to sit in the chair across from her and she looks at me, her eyes glossed over with a tired look.

"Sorry, I rushed out of the car. I had to call Bernadette Zetter," she tells me, and I furrow my eyebrows. I didn't realize a phone call to her was necessary.

"May I ask why?" I inquire, and she sighs.

"With how Mr. Cross was acting towards me, red flags appeared instantly. His distaste to women was made evident in how he spoke of her friends, as well as how he acted and spoke towards me. You see, women look out for each other. It's almost a cardinal rule," she starts, my head nodding to encourage her to further explain.

"I have this gut instinct that, because Bernadette mentioned Alexander Cross in her questioning, and we had revealed that information to him, he may get to her. Maybe not in a physical way, or maybe so, but I needed to inform her to contact me if he does so. She told me he hadn't contacted her, but agreed to contact me if he did," she says, and I raise my eyebrows to take in Ava's words. I'm baffled; the thought hadn't even crossed my mind Alexander may go after Bernadette.

"Holy shit," I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. Ava's insight in the field of women is spectacular, despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, me being a male, misogyny is not always detectable. For Ava, it is.

"I know it won't be of much help, but I do apologize for how he was acting towards you," I sympathize, but she shakes her head.

"Not necessary. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last. I've grown used to it; men not always happy when a woman is in my position. It only makes me work harder. I don't take shit from anyone," she expresses to me. It's impressive how she conducts herself.

"It's remarkable how you work. It's truly admirable; I hope you know that," I inform her, her lips forming into a smile.

"I appreciate that, Harry. Now, I'm exhausted and I need to sleep if I'm going to be ready for tomorrow," she tells me, standing up. I follow suit and she turns her computer off.

"I will see you tomorrow then," I say, walking out of her office.

I go into my own and start to pack up, logging off of my own computer.

"You know," I hear, turning my attention to Ava as she stands in the doorway. "How extremely unprofessional would it be if I take you up on your drink offer today?"

I fight the smirk that urges to arise on my lips, but I form a smile instead. She smiles at me as well.

"Sure. You have a place in mind?" I ask, and she shrugs.

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