Chapter Twenty Two

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I lay sprawled out in bed, Zeus crawled up on my side. There is a certain procrastination waving through me because work is not something I want to go to today. I haven't slept, I have barely eaten, and I have no desire to do anything.

Ava is helping Katrina Meyers and I'm sitting by not doing anything. I have read through countless cold cases, trying to find some sort of breakthrough.

Then there's Ava, who has yet to leave my mind since she dropped me back off at the station so I could get my car. It was a few hours ago, when she didn't tell me what was going on, and I have not gotten over what happened. In fact, it's more than likely affected my mindset for a lot of my night.

I roll over and bury my head into the pillow, groaning to attempt to get the thoughts out of my head. Deciding to get up, I run my hand over my face and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and get ready for the day, putting my watch on.

After I let Zeus out, I grab an apple and eat it on the way down to the station. I park and see Ava's car here, my lower lip taken between my teeth. Choosing to disregard the thoughts toying in my mind, I walk in and make my way to my office. My eyebrows furrow when I see an unexpected sight, but choose not to ask any questions.

"She's been here all night. Let her be," the Chief says, my eyes dead set on a sleeping Ava. Her body's hunched over her desk, her head resting on the back of her hand as her arms sat crossed on her desk.

"All night?" I clarify, and he nods his head.

"All night," he reiterates, slapping my back before walking back to his office.

I walk to my desk and take a seat, logging into my computer. There are a few emails I read through and take down the trial date, contacting the Rochester Police Department in regard to it.

The phone rings and I answer it. "Harry, it's Jessi Oliver with the special victims unit," she tells me, and I nod my head.

"Hi, thanks for calling," I tell her, reaching for a pen.

"I'm informing you that we have unidentified DNA results from the rape kit. I tried ringing Lieutenant but she didn't pick up. She was at the hospital late last night," she explains, and I form my lips into an 'o'. It makes sense now that Ava was here so late. She must have had a lot to look into if Katrina talked about that night.

"Is there anything else from the scene?" I ask, trying to help in some way. I feel useless in this case, but it's for a good reason. Katrina Meyers needs help from women, and fortunately for her, she has two incredible women doing so.

"That was all the DNA found that was foreign unfortunately. We did take pictures of the bruises on her arms, but that's all we have so far. She spoke with Ava but with no one else. I'm afraid she's the only one Katrina will talk to," Jessi explains, and I nod. It makes sense; I can't even begin to understand Katrina's situation.

"I totally get it. I'll let Ava continue being in touch. Thank you again," I tell her, hanging up the phone. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh, feeling completely helpless.

When I return to work, I review a cold case that's grabbed some of my attention and find a few aspects interesting. There's a missing man involved and I take a look at the date. Nearly ten years ago, and still, no one has seen him. There haven't been any tips or leads in almost five years, and even then they don't seem too helpful.

I furrow my eyebrows when I see that there is a piece of evidence that wasn't looked into; a piece of evidence completely overlooked.

I dial the number to the lab and hold the phone to my ear. "Crime lab," a man states.

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