Chapter Thirty

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"Am I in trouble?" Chad Allen asks, the fraternity boy listed in the suspect list.

"I just need to ask you a few questions," I tell him, taking a seat in front of him. I brought him down to the station because I could not handle conducting an interview in a frat house.

"Look, I didn't do what you think I did," he says, putting his hands up. He's clearly nervous, and given his social situation, it can be a good scare. Whether it's drinking or drugs, all these kids need a good questioning from the police and they'll reevaluate everything they did prior to the police coming.

"Hey, calm down. All I'm asking is where you were on Friday the eighth," I say, his body sitting more relaxed in the chair.

"I was at a basketball game. Then a party," he explains, and I nod my head.

"Do you have proof?" I ask, and he nods. He pulls out his phone and shows me some pictures, time-stamped with the day and time. Holy shit, this kid likes to party.

"We made it to play-offs. That's why we were celebrating so much," he explains. Each of the photos are between seven at night and two in the morning. There's so many of them that I don't have difficulty deciding he's not a suspect.

"That's all I needed. Thank you," I tell him, and he nods. He stands up and I walk him out of the station. He calls an Uber and I walk back into the station, taking a seat at my desk. I cross his name off the list and take a look at who's next. I pull up the information on Mason Burns, Katrina's ex-boyfriend. He's from Minnesota and there is a chance he is there, giving the potential for an alibi.

I make the call and it goes through. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Mason Burns?" I ask, grabbing my pen.

"Yeah. Who's this?" he asks.

"This is Detective Styles with the Manhattan Police Department. Mind if I ask you a few questions?" I state, and I can visualize the color draining from his face.

"Uh, yeah. What's this about?" he asks, and I press my lips together.

"We had an incident occur last week and you have been listed as a suspect, so I need to discuss your whereabouts," I tell him.

"I've been in Minnesota since the sixth, when my exams finished. I, uh, can give you my flight information or anything else you need," he says, and I take his nervousness as confirmation enough.

"No, that's alright. All I needed to know," I say. "Thank you for your time."

I hang up the phone and write my note down, but cross him off the list. Then I go onto the database and look into the flights on the sixth. I search for his name and find a ticket purchased by his name, saying he checked in, confirming his alibi.

My phone rings and I grab it, pressing it to my ear.

"Detective Styles," I answer.

"It's Katrina. I, uh, couldn't reach Ava," she mutters, and I widen my eyes.

"Are you alright?" I ask, nervous something's happened to her.

"My step-brother is here. At my house," she tells me.

"Where are you? Are you by yourself?" I ask, and she shakily breaths.

"I locked myself in my room," she tells me, and I sigh.

"Give me a few minutes. I have to question him too, so I'll make this easier on you," I say, and she agrees.

I gather my things and speed down the street Katrina's residence, parking in front. My hand slams the door shut and I walk up the sidewalk, knocking on the door.

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