Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ava sits on my bed, the thought alone mind-blowing, and I turn to look at her after I shut the door.

"You sure you want to see them?" I ask, not necessarily knowing where this will lead.

"Yeah," she beams, almost as if she's a kid in a candy store. It's a breath of fresh air seeing Ava in such a care-free state. Granted, seeing her in at work is just as mesmerizing.

I reach behind myself and grab the collar to my shirt, lifting it off my torso. When it hits the floor, I look over at Ava and she widens her eyes. My torso and arms are covered, but with my job, I have to. It's not hard to do so, but it's strange for people who don't know me to see them for the first time.

"There's so many. I had no idea," she gasps, and I walk closer to her. I'm proud of my body, not at all awkward about standing in front of her with my shirt off. Then I feel the pads of her fingers trail along my abdomen, my hands shoving into my pants pockets.

I watch her closely as she observes, my stomach tensing slightly as she touches me. Not many people have been attentive to my body this way. It's always been fast, rushed, and it'd be over.

Now, beautiful Ava is touching me with care, just as she touched my scar.

"Do you have more?" she asks, my head nodding.

"I have a few on my legs too," I tell her, and she nods her head. She doesn't press to ask to see them, but I wouldn't mind either way. I'm just getting aroused and I'm trying to hide the fact.

"I wish I had some cool tattoos you could see," she grins, leaning back on her hands as she looks up at me.

Fuck, she's flawless.

Watching her in bar had been fascinating. Whoever she was talking to clearly wasn't pick up on the fact that she wasn't interested. Ava has a very expressive face when she needs to, but when it's straight-faced and unwelcoming, it means she's not interested. I hadn't dealt with in in that scenario, only at work. Thankfully, she hasn't done it to me outside of work.

"It's alright. I think that smile is a pretty good trade-off," I tell her, making her smile. She reaches for my hands and I remove them from my pockets, grabbing them. But I'm tugged towards her and she bites her lower lip again, my legs stepping between her legs.

"Smooth," she tells me, my lips twitching into a smirk.

"Thanks," I wink, my head dipping down. Her lips part over mine and I brace myself, her hand moving to my shoulder. I'm trying so hard not to go fast. The last thing I want to do is push this into something it shouldn't.

But hell, I'd do anything to roam my hands over her body. It's fucking perfect.

"Harry," she whispers on my lips, my head leaning on her forehead after I pull away.

"Nicks," I respond, her eyes hooded as she looks at my lips. Just as quickly, she bites her lower one and I want to bite it so she stops doing the damn action. It's starting to have an effect on me; one that's not innocent.

"I don't want to stop tonight," she tells me, my eyes closing so I don't widen them in shock.

Fuck, what is this woman doing to me?

"Are you sure?" I ask, having an internal moral attack. I shouldn't but I really want to. The devil and angel on my shoulders are having a tug of war and my mind is still in the neutral zone. I want to be with her, more than anyone I've ever crossed paths with. But I don't want to screw up what we have at work. This could change everything; that's what I'm nervous about.

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