Chapter Eleven

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"The thing that stood out to me was the timeline. Alexander spoke that he stayed with Gabriel for three days, but Gabriel said otherwise. If what Gabriel is saying is true, then that puts Alexander in Manhattan with more than enough time to be here during the time Victoria Peters was murdered," Ava tells me, standing in front of the board in her office.

"We could retrieve phone records to see if he used cell towers in the Manhattan area during the time of the murder," I say, and she agrees. She leaves momentarily, explaining she had informed the Chief to obtain the records.

There were multiple things in our interview with Gabriel that stood out to me. Ava had found a picture of Gabriel's brother on the refrigerator, and that brought up a potential lead to the potassium chloride. However, I did my own research on the drug. It's also a chemical.

"I did some research of my own," I tell Ava, her head turning to look at me. Her hair is in a ponytail on the top of her head today, and it moves with her each time she moves her head.

"There were a few things revolving around potassium chloride that intrigued me. The main one being how the killer could have obtained it. It's not the most common thing to come across, so I was trying to find anything in regard to the drug that would make it easier to get," I tell her, handing her a sheet of paper.

I bite my lower lip as she looks it over, curious to how she'll view my search. I'd never admit it, but she's intimidating. Ava's allowed me to work with her, something she apparently doesn't do too often, and I'd hate to screw it up.

"It's used in certain fertilizers," she says, pressing her lips together.

"Gabriel works in fertilization at the law service. It's why I asked what he does at work to see if there was a way he worked with the chemical. Now that I know he does, it could mean either of them had access to it. Especially if American Lawn Company creates their own type of fertilizer," I elaborate, and she smiles.

"Brilliant," she grins, turning her attention to the board. I smile too, hoping that this helps us some how.

"Can you look into the lawn service to see if they do use their own formula?" she asks, and I listen. When I look up the company, it turns out they do, in fact, formulate their own fertilizers. I inform Ava and she circles her notes on the board.

"Perhaps the brother gave them the information about potassium chloride being used in lethal injection?" Ava suggests. I contemplate the thought and I grab my chin, looking over the board.

"Or a simple internet search, in all honesty?" I say, her eyes searching the board.

We work for a little while longer before the Chief walks into the room. "I have Bernadette Zetter in the questioning room," he tells us, my body off the chair in seconds. Ava and I walk over and knock on the door, my hand opening it.

Bernadette looks shaken up, no visible harm to her skin from a potential physical altercation. Ava shakes her hand and I stand in the doorway, Bernadette looking up at me.

"Please," she whispers, her cheeks stained in tears. I close the door and take a seat, Ava setting her hands on the table.

"Thank you for coming in. Can you tell us what's going on?" Ava asks softly, Bernadette pulling out her phone.

"I, uh, recorded it. He came to my house," she shakily replies, my eyebrows furrowing. I'm almost horrified to listen to what is about to be played for us.

"Does he know you recorded him?" I ask, trying to sound as calm as I can to not scare her. She is very skittish and I would hate to make her more uncomfortable than she already is.

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