Chapter 6 ------------------- Just problems

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I walk to my sisters room but i didn't notice anything that was happening. i was too lost in my thoughts. I bumped into a wall and noticed where i was. I wasstanding a few feet from Sarah's room. I knocked on her door before i went in.

"Come in" She called. I went inside and she gasped.
"Bay! What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in school?" She said but saying the last bit while raising her eyebrow.

"Well that is long a story. But wait don't you want me to be here?"

"Of course i want you to stay with me. Also because I'm so bored you can start your story. I have all time in the world right now." she said with a huge smile. And from then i started telling her the story.


Chapter 6 ----------- Just Problems

As soon as I finished telling her the story, the smile she had when I walked in totally disappeared. Sarah pulled me into hug and squeezed me tight. I could barely breathe with the way she was hugging me. It was like she was murdering me. It was now around 1:30 in the afternoon. Oh Damn! I forgot! Jas usually wakes up at this time. She going to murder me before the killer can!

"Sarah, I kind of sneaked out while Jas was sleeping so can you protect me if she wants to murder me." I explained.

Sarah gave out a laugh. "Of Course... You know I love calling you my sister because every time things go wrong you always try to cheer yourself up. You don't drown yourself in depression and that's actually why you are my sister." I was glad she was smiling after everything that's happened. She was always a jolly person.

"Oh but who's going to pick you up to take you home? You cant go out by yourself with what you told me. its just too dangerous."

"Abdul said he was coming, he will be here in 10 minutes. I wonder how he's going to react when i tell him everything?"

"Just act cool. He will understand in sha allah. Mum and dad will know what to do and the police can help too. Inshallah nothing will happen."

"In sha allah" I repeated. After that it felt like I was in my own world and Sarah was in hers. We glared to each other or smiled at each other but we didn't say anything for the next 5 minutes. We were both worrying but about different things. I had an idea of what Sarah was worrying about but I didn't know if it was what I thought for sure.

"Sarah...." I said breaking her thoughts.

"Yeah bay?" She asked.

"Remember what you told me about.... dangerous stuff that day, how did you know something dangerous was going on? And can you tell me now what you wanted to tell me? I think I'm ready"

"I cant tell you here and now. But inshallah when, tomorrow, I go back home, I will explain to you everything."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Your going home tomorrow! Did the doctors say that!? Yes, my sis is coming back home!! Does mum and dad know?"

"The doctor told me this morning, I will tell mum and dad when they come to visit me today. Don't tell them, I want it to be a surprise!"

"Ok, but can I still tell Abdul !?"

"Tell Abdul what?" Said a voice opening the door. The voice that I grow up my whole life with. The voice who comforts me in everything. It was the voice of my brother. I turned around, ran at him and hugged him tightly. He went up to Sarah and gave salams while hugging her.

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