Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 

Kills'  POV

"Ugh does that boy not know how to do anything right?" I yelled to myself.

I was sitting on an old rocking chair thinking of new ways for destruction. The room was empty. It was dark, exactly how I wanted it to be. There was nothing but my computer, paper and of course my special knife collection. I admired this collection. It had everything from swords to pocket knives. I walked over to it and picked up my favorite one. A small Swiss dagger made in 1570. This was the best of all indeed. I remember killing an eight year old girl with this. I used it because it was only my second time killing someone, I thought the dagger was special and she was special. Flashbacks of that day came back to me. I smiled at how my work turned out; successful and with impunity. I went back to my chair slowly with the beautiful dagger still in my hands. I fell into my chair and held the knife up.

"Maybe I can use this for those two rag head sisters, they are surely my best missions so far" I whispered to myself, satisfied at the thought. I put the dagger down on the table in front of me.

My job is something I have been living with my whole life. It does also run in the family. As before my dad was also just like me but a professional and I aim to get there. How will I get there? With this new mozlem family and the boy.

This is a job I work alone on. However working alone doesn't mean I can't threaten on cutting that idiot boy's head if he doesn't do something for me. Same goes for the girl. Oh, I can't wait to see the look on the little sweety's face when she finds out that the people she's gotten close to is actually planning her death. Oh, I can't wait, it would be worth everything.

I jumped out of seat and walked around whistling to myself. How happy I was to see my plan going the way it was meant to. I can see my dad now congratulating me.

After she finds out everything, I will be there, right beside her. The reason. To end her pity life. It would be the murder of the century. The murder everyone will be talking about. When this happens I will also cut her big bitchy sister into several pieces. Then the boy would be last. It will be to show him what he has caused. He will understand what he has done and will realise will end up the same way. But do you know what's better. The girl actually thinks some god can save her! What a pathetic typical mozlem. She might think this but not for long, not for long.

I laughed and I laughed as I went back to my seat. I rocked my chair back and forth and laughed again.

'Oh dad, you would have been so proud.' I thought to myself as a flashback occurred of the last time seeing him:

He finally came home after a long month of doing his job. As he walked into the living room, he smiled obviously enjoyed. I, as the 14 year old I was, looked at him curious at how he does these things so brilliant.

"Dad," I spoke in an unsure manner. "How do you do such a great job?"

He walked over to me and sat down right next to me.

"Son, you have to plan right. Do extraordinary things, risky things. Special things." He said as if giving me a lesson. At that point, he stood up and left to go up to his room. I thought about his words over and over again. I ran up to my room and quickly grabbed a paper and pen. I carefully put them in front of me as I thought about my special plan.

After an hour of thinking it came to me. I jotted down everything and I could think if. Day after day, I planned and planned my risky plan. Finally after a month, the day I was ready came. I smiled at my accomplishment.

It was around 6pm and that was when I started my plan. My dad was taking a shower and I waited for him to get out. At last when he did, he went in his room picking his outfit for the day.

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