Chapter 24 ------------------- It's All Out

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The silhouette slowly took steps towards me. I heard the footsteps click as it's shoes touched the concrete. Oh, Allah, don't let this be one of those scenes from those horror movies where the girls makes a stupid mistake and she gets killed.

The figure stepped closer and finally his face hit the light. I stood in shock as I witnessed who it was. This was definitely not James. My eyes widened at the picture in front of me. What was he doing here? Things just got more confusing...



Chapter 24 ------------------- It's All Out 

'Knock, Knock'

Not this again. Just ignore him, i'm sure he'll go away.

'Knock, Knock'

I groaned to myself as i tried to ignore the knocking once again. I listened closely as the knocking finally stopped. I layed my head on to the hard wall and sighed to myself as i tried to block out everything around me. Actually, now that i think about it, I've been doing that for the whole day. I closed eyes and calmed myself while listening to the silence. This was actually the first time i was fond of the silence and-

'Knock, Knock'

Talked too soon.

I felt myself grow mad and defensive. I stomped over to the door as the knocking continued to increase and quickly unlocked the door. I opened it and stared at the person in front of me.

"Leave me alone Abdul!" I yelled then rapidly closed the door on his face. I walked back to my bed where i was laying and closed my eyes again.

He knew i wasn't in the mood and when Bayan Mohammed wasn't in the mood, she was crazy. Remember Bay's crazy mode? Yep, this was one of those times where it kicked in.

"Come on! I know you're sick but seriously? Locking yourself in your room for the whole day?" I heard Abdul's voice sound from outside. He continued knocking knowing i hated the sound. The boy seriously knows how to annoy me, doesn't he. I tried to ignore the knocking like i had before but this time i was different, the knocking was harder and louder and it sounded like-

"Sarah, are you knocking with Abdul?" I screamed from my bed. Couldn't i have peace for just ten minutes.

I strolled back to door where the knocking still continued. I knew Sarah was there knocking too, nobody could knock that much, that fast. I opened it again and stared at both of my siblings in distress.

"What do you want?" I snapped. I only opened the door up to the slightest so that i could see there faces.

"Bay, do you want to go out with me?" Sarah asked softly.

"No." I answered. I was just about to close the door in their faces and go back to my mindless thinking when Abdul blocked the closing door with his foot. 

"You are going out with Sarah." He stated sternly. I rolled my eyes at his direction while huffing.

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