Chapter 4 ------------------- Bad News

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"Well there's a Lot of things going on! You went on holiday so when me Aiyla and Chloe went out something happened and we weren't sure when to tell. And something happened yesterday too. Its very serious and you need to know cause it has something to do with you too. There's bad new and there's good news."

"Well what is it? let it out woman!"



Chapter 4 -------------------- Bad News

I didn't believe the news i had heard. Firstly the good new was not good at all! I cant believe this happened but not only to me to my best friends! i have so many problems going on and here is just an extra one to put on my list! And what's worse is that it's all my fault.

"BAYAN!" Someone said and hit me on my back.

"Huh! What happened!? And ouch!" I said seeing it was Jasmine who had hit me. I was sitting on the my bed staring at my turned-off TV. Jasmine was my older cousin. She was wearing a beautiful blue hijab with a white dress mid-high under it jeans and long-sleeve top under it, she always has this modern-islamic style that I always admired. She never wore anything too tight but not anything too loose, it was just right. Jasmine has green eyes with light brown hair and lovely white skin. She was an amazing person who always knew how to comfort me and make me feel better, even just by looking at her I always felt good. Jasmine was like my second older sister to me, sometimes I told her things that I didn't tell Sarah. She would be staying with us for a week because mum and dad would be mostly at the hospital for Sarah. I had already visited her after school but only stayed for an hour cause I had a headache.

"I have been calling your name to telling you something and you didn't hear me?"

"No, i’m sorry! What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Just that Abdul said Dinner is ready ...... So hey bay are you ok?"

"Of Course why wouldn’t i be?" I said putting a small smile.

I technically didn’t lie. i was ok but just startled by what Ellena had told me, ever since she told me i have been thinking about.... well everything. I couldn’t take my mind off of it.

"What did i do? I cant believe i got them into that mess!" I said quietly to myself but to my surprise Jasmine was still standing by the door. how could i not notice her? I hope she didn't hear me!

"What mess?" She asked while walking to my bed and sitting next to me.

"Jas... can you help me?"

"Help you with what?".

"Ok, i will tell you something but don't tell mum and dad until i’m sure of it." I said and she nodded

"Well today after school Ellena told me something that made so worried." She was just about to say something when i cut her off.

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