Chapter 13 ------------------- My New Home

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The house was huge, like a mansion, I was so excited to go in and see the rest of the house, if the house looked like this from the outside I wonder how I would look from the inside. It had a huge garden with it as well and also a pool. I felt so happy when I saw the pool, a private pool all to myself! That's great, now I can go swimming in a bikini or a swimming suit without worrying that anybody is looking.

Well, Lets continue with the rest of the house........


Chapter 13 ----------------- My New Home

OMG! This house is huge, how the hell did my parents afford this? However they did alhamduillah that they did cause this is really awesome. What I like most is that everywhere on walls its written Mashallah and Quranic verses. That really cheers me up a lot!

As got in the big doors, I wondered why my parents would set it up like this, I mean yeah we might but moving and we need a good house but I know my parents and definately know that this is much much more than a good house to be living in for a year or two.

There must be something up with them. But actually forget that! I am going to think about that tomorrow, right now I'm gonna enjoy my stay here!

As you walk a few steps straight from the doors , you see two huge rooms on each side with no doors , that u can straight away walk in and right in front is some stairs but it isn't really those kind of big huge staircases that you get tired in so quickly. Its beautiful but at the same time only a few effortless steps to go on to get to the second floor of the house.

In the room on the left, there are sofas and a huge HD 3D flat screen tv and with a glass table (I have to remember not to break that) and a few landscape paintings that also calm me down. The sofa is a calming purple mixed with white colour, it also has the adjustment part that yoou can put the leg seat up and rest you leg there. I was shocked when i saw the message seat sitting in front of the tv , i know i could benifit from that in everyway.

In th room in the right side was the kitchen with all the utlitaties needed to cook and one big oven to roast hug stuff and a tall fridge as well. Included with the fridge was a normal length dinning table with 7 chairs. The kitchen look like it was as new as ever with all the modern designes and technologies. The wall was a beautiful marble until it went to the other side to the dinner place and turned into a beautiful sky blue concreate wall. However there was one lovely shiny white side that my dad left for me to paint something on it.

He knew i very much liked to paint but i didnt have space to put the stuff i painted on the wall so he also left me a small area where i call hang up all my latest paintings. I dont paint everyday or all the time but i do it. Its just a talent that i dont show much. I do also enjoy but i cant paint really good things unless i feel it, thats why i do it rarely. its a talent that i am discovering and that just goes and comes back. Its a weird process.

So as you walk even more straight from the big doors, it leads you to another big doors that lead you to the back garden. This is actually not like a garden, this is more like a small park. Its all green and lovely with a few trees and nice flowers. I feels like im at a hotel rather than a home.

When you go upstairs, there are 2 bathrooms on each side of the corridoor. Finally an extra bathroom! That really helps in the morning. Now we all dont have to rush to the bathroom and always have those annoying fights that last the whole morning. 

There are 1, 2, 3,4,5.... FIVE bedrooms!!!!Wow, thats alot  of bedrooms, i wonder which one is mine? As i keep walking through the big corridoor i go in the first room. It a huge King bed with another flat screen TV and nicely old style wardrobe that fit with the wallpaper. I am guessing this is my parents room, because of the bed and the old style theme. My parents like that.

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