Chapter 25 ------------------- Answers

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This must of been the twentieth time replaying what went down yesterday night. I found out so many things that make me want to bash my head into a wall. Firstly being that Kills is total nut-drop who kills people for his own entertainment. They guy needs to be sent to an asylum with extra care. Second being, my own sister has evidence against kills yet she decides to not use it and keep it a secret. How could she not use it? This question still floats around my head and it's probably the only thing I couldn't figure out. It just didn't make sense at all-

"Hey, got you your ice-cream!" Sarah shrieked from behind me making me startled and jump in my spot. I gave my sister a small smile before taking the ice-cream out of her hands and devouring it.

"Sarah I think the flu is coming back a bit, I don't feel that well. Can we go back home?" I tried sounding sick but instead I ended sounding confused. I coughed a little adding effect to my fake sickness. I got up from my spot on the grass and wiped off any remaining grass on back.

"Oh ok then. Let's take you home where you will feel cosy and safe." Sarah said in a perky tone. We walked away from the picnic area and back to our house while still licking our ice-creams like a kids.

"I don't know where cosy and safe is anymore..." I whispered to myself sighing.


Chapter 25 ------------------- Answers

School. This one word can break so much happiness and confidence in the world. It's the most deadliest word known to man, mostly to teenagers. It is a word that can change a satisfied smile into a miserable frown and unfortunately I had to say I was one of it's poor victims.

I strolled into school, trying hard to keep myself from falling on the ground in exhaustion. My body was aching and I felt like I was going to collapse in any minute. My legs could barely function, my nose couldn't smell anything and my stomach hurt painfully like there was a war going on in there, which there might of been. Wanna know what happened?

I got sick.

Yep, you heard right. While pretending to be sick I managed to catch myself a nasty flu and actually get sick. Ugh, Karma's sense of irony loved irritating me, didn't it?

Leg up, leg down.

Leg up, leg down.

That, right there, is me trying to take steps into school but for some odd reasons, my feet were not complying in any way. I couldn't blame it, neither my mind or soul wanted to be here too.

Leg up, leg down. I continued to chant in my head as if trying to give my legs some encouragement.

As I strolled along the deserted corridor, I felt myself become more distant from my surroundings. With every step taken, my mind went farther from my body. I instantly regretted coming to school, school was not going to help my situation in any way but right now avoiding school was no option.

Yesterday after 'being sick' at the park, I came straight home and laid in my bed the whole day. Staring at ceiling and my purple wallpaper was thy only thing my mind and body were able to do. The only time I stopped this endless action was when it was time to pray. I got up from seat with no sound what so ever, did my wudu, prayed sincerely then hesitantly got back to bed and gazed at my usual room.

During all of this, I am absolutely sure I made no sound at all. My family never came into my room either. They probably thought I was still 'sick' and so they decided to give me my space and I couldn't be more thankful. If anyone tried talking to me yesterday, I was sure I would have just broke down. There was only so much a girl could take, you know.

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