Chapter 19 ------------------- The Lights of Paris

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"Um, Hi." I said giving him a smile.

"Hey," He sounded as if he was unsure to talk to him. I felt a bit weird talking to him but I knew i had to.

"So, I heard you wanted to tell me something." I strolled beside him though keeping a well distance.

"Nope" He stated confidently. I stood, confused.

"But you came to my house to directly say something,"

"Oh it's ok now, i just wanted to say if you saw my lost jacket," He mentioned way too quick. I could sense it wasn't the truth. I knew it was a lie but why?

"How are you feeling? When i came by your sister told me you were at hospital," He continued.

"I'm good, I was just feeling sick. Nothing too big."


We walked in silence later on. I didn't know what else to say and i don't think he did either. As if it was God's sign of help, the bell rang.

"Um, so I think I have to get to class." I said a goodbye and left to class. Once I was out of his sight and he was out of mine, I gave a loud sigh. That was awkward. I proceeded to class without any thought except one. Why was he lying and why did he looked as if he saw a ghost when I said hi? I don't think i will be able to find out until later. It wasn't the right moment to ask about everything now. I just had to wait patiently and danger would be alerted.


Chapter 19 ---------------------- The City Of Love; Paris

I was still uncertain about everything that happened the last week. Since then I always felt pressure on me. I have to say that what went down the week before was the most difficult thing i ever had to deal with. All i could say is that at least nobody got hurt much, Alhamduillah! It was Thursday morning and i was getting ready for school. I hadn't concentrated in all classes these days, i was totally lost everywhere i was.

Once I got to school, I headed to Zaynab to ask about our English homework we had. I didn't really understand much from what the teacher was saying. I felt too distracted. I walked up to her while she was talking to Angela. I heard them talking about something to do with next week.

"What's next week?" I questioned. They both turned and looked at me. I stared back at them both.

"No, there's no school for the next week. It's the winter festival remember! In french, le festival de Noël de France" Zaynab answered.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot, its suppose to be this huge festival before Christmas right?" I replied a bit confused.

"Yes! It's one the best festivals in France! Everyone does something special in the week." Angela exclaimed clearly excited.

The bell rang straight after and i got to class. Luckily, I had Zaynab in the same class as me for the first lesson. I asked her about the English then unbothered about reading or understanding it, I quickly scribbled the answers on my book. As soon as I was done, the class was already half way through. I had geography and really wasn't in the mood to hear about the climates again.

'Anyway if you already missed half of the teachers explaining, its not like you're going to get the rest.' I thought to myself and I was right. So, I continued to do what I'd been doing for the past week; Daydreaming.

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