Chapter 12 ------------------- Arrived

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"Hey! Where are we going anyway?"

"Like mum said before, Thats a surprise! You have to stop asking."

"Wait i see a few cities down there is that where we are landing?" I energetically asked

"YeP" She replied

"Its beautiful, wonder where it is"

"Somewhere you would definitely enjoy!"

I dont know why but i just couldnt stop smiling. Maybe this was a good choice.


Chapter 12 -------------- Arrived

As we get off the plane I still wonder where we are! America? Italy? China? My parents still refuse to tell me along with my sister and brother. They told me that I would realize exactly where I was when I got off the plane. However right now im off the plane I still don't know where I am.

Its really annoying but exciting at the same time. Feeling are just weird. Its really really weird how you can have two completely different feeling at the same time, angry and happy, tired and hyper and in my case, annoyed but excited.

As I walk through those tunnel kind corridors that's are connect from the plane to the airport, I remember my old school. How It was. I wonder if I will ever go back there and see my friends again and teacher as well. Aw, I started to miss everything back home already. At least I still have their phone numbers and social accounts so I can talk to them whenever I want but it just wont be the same.

Another thing I am worried about is the killer. Now that I am not here anymore, he might just go after my friends and I cant do anything about that because im.... im .... uft, I don't know where I am!

Its just wish I could start a new leaf and forget everything that's happened in the past but I cant. Its really too hard. I tried so hard before to forget about the killer but I couldn't. Many times it would just pop up in my head at home (or now my old home) or at school or while shopping. Anything, I get scared, afraid and cant concentrate anymore.

Maybe my parents bought me here for a reason... for a new life. to forget, to be happy like I was before because even though I don't show my sadness and frightness, they know how I feel inside and I know that they made this decision for me. Not for themselves, not for my sister, not for my brother but for me and only me. I love my parents just like they love me, actually more than they love me.

There is a reason we have to respect them because look at all the things they do for u. They feed you, give you shelter, help you in life, comfort you when your in need of it. We should all say alhamduillah now for our parents because some people don't have parents and are not gifted with all these things our parents do for us. Or some people just don't have enough money to provide their children with what my parents have provided for me. Alhamduillah.

Always I think, if I ever have a problem go to Allah for help and if I need an answer to something go and you will definitely find it in Islam! Everything you do Islam and Allah have the answers for it! Anything you need, Allah has it. Anything your not sure about, you can always know the correct answer form Islam. Islam is special, it Warms me from the bottom of my heart.

Allah is Amazing, he helps me in whatever I ask for, he eases my pain and despair, he answers my prays and tells me what I do wrong and right. There is this saying that always remembers me of Allah no matter what, whether im in pain or im sad or I need help, I always remember this sentence:

"The pens are withdrawn and the pages are dry!"

This means that whatever happens in your life accept it because that is what Allah has assigned for you. So I should just accept that this has happened to me and have trust in Allah because Allah knows best.

So, now we have finished the passport control and the getting the baggage and we are going out. I don't know why but I don't feel very comfortable, I just feel like my home is gone. Of course I would feel like that because I just did leave my home but I didn't want to leave. Its the place I grow up in and that's really hard to just leave unexpectedly. Wow, why am I so lost in thought these days?

"OK, now can I know where I am and where we are going?!" I asked anyone who was listening

"Have Patience, you will figure it out as soon as we get to our destination." Replied Abdul.

"Wait just a second! What do u mean you will figure it out? Arent any of you gonna tell me when we get to wherever the heck your taking me?"

Nobody replied to that and I could see my dad smirking at how much I was off. Families, What can you do?

I am behind everyone, just following where they are going. I see a really nice looking but small limo and it parks right in front of us. The driver of the limo gets out and gives the keys to my dad. Then my dad shockingly goes inside and tells the rest of us to go inside too. I was shocked and actually really excited, if I have a limo then I cant wait and imagine how the house would look like.

"Wow a limo, dad we own a limo?"


"But how?"

"I didn't cost a lot" He said with a chuckle.

I didn't think about that, its really cool and affordable. My dad is like the financial version of superman. Yeah, sounds lame but the things you can get with that!

As the limo was moving, I was looking out the window to look for some clues of where I am, maybe a tourist attraction or some signs that have a specific language on it.

But nothing. However as the journey continued, I did see the signs in the English letters but not the English language, so I knew it wouldn't be a country like Russia or Greece. But I was still really really confused.

Then I could feel the car park, I couldnt see it because Abdul put the window up and covered it with something so I could be surprised. I wasn't allowed to get out of the limo until everyone else was out so I waited. Sarah opened the door for me and when I came out of the limo, I nearly fainted.

The house was huge, like a mansion, I was so excited to go in and see the rest of the house, if the house looked like this from the outside I wonder how I would look from the inside. It had a huge garden with it as well and also a pool. I felt so happy when I saw the pool, a private pool all to myself! That's great, now I can go swimming in a bikini or a swimming suit without worrying that anybody is looking.

Well, Lets continue with the rest of the house........


Hi guys, so I have uploaded early this time for u guys. I hope you enjoy it, action will start after the next chapter but for now its getting to know the house and the area, inshallah in the next chapter you will know where they are and what's going to happen next!

Please COMMENT AND VOTE! Tell me what you though about it please! I love you guys!

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