Chapter 9 ------------------- Revealed

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"Ok should we go now and contact your parents about all of this?"

"I think thats a good idea John." I said.

I got up from my chair and left with Office John, i was shaking a bit from everything.

"Dont worry i will be here to help and you have your family with u too, just dont worry" John said with a wink which actually made me stop shaking and feel so much better.

"Thank you" I replied in a soft quiet tone.


Chapter 9 ------------ Revealed

What’s going on? What’s going on! How is it going? There still down there talking. It,s been a few hours now. I wonder how my family’s going to take it. I know Sarah won’t take it as bad as Abdul because she already knows half of the story.

I’m going crazy and i am currently doodling all over my bedroom walls. I am so nervous. I just might go crazy, oh what the heck, I hit crazy 2 hours ago, now I'm going mental.

"Boom" Thats was the sound of the door. Does that mean the police are gone?

I went downstairs to check what happened. As i walked into the living, Abdul got up from where he was sitting and walked my way.

"Ok, before you say anything, i didn't mean to...." But before i could finish, Abdul grabbed and pulled me into this huge hug and soon everyone was getting up and we were all in this group hug.

I honestly thought this was going to go the opposite way. I thought I was going to get screams and questions and that I would just get annoyed but i actually i didn't experience any of that. It was nice to have my family comfort me.

"So lets start from how i started? The police said you would explain that bit to us." My mum said.

"Ok...." I started. I started with the incident before any of this happened. The one where I was walking and the guys came up to me. I took a seat on the sofa.

When i finished my parents told me to go up to my room and take a rest. Sarah came with me because she said she wanted to say something to me.

"Ok, I think it’s time..." Said Sarah as she closed my bedroom door and sat next to me on my bed.


"I think its time for you to know how i really got into hospital in the first place,"


"So," Sarah started. " It was actually 2 months before the incident of the guys you just told us about. It is actually a bit like your case but also very different in a way. I don't want you to know all the details right now, that is again for another day so I will say the general things. This person first started sending me these threatening notes and papers and emails. They said things like to do something really horrid and i didn't want to. The notes started saying that my friends and family would get hurt and they would do bad things to them. I ignored all of these things thinking it was some stupid joke or something. But then a close friend of mine got hurt a few weeks after. Then i was really scared. Then a week before your incident it all stopped. I didn't get any notes or any emails or anything. I didn't know if the thing was really a prank or not so i decided to just forget about it. Thats when you started getting followed and feeling like you were being followed?"

I nodded.

 "Yeah. And the notes and stuff they don't add up, there was one that made no sense at all! And the time of the incident with the guys, when they were talking to me or said a few things that was nothing related to me. Nearly all the things they said about warning or stuff i did before didn't make sense cause i had no warnings before and i didn't do any of the stuff they thought i did!"

Sarah continued, "Yeah and i think i know why. But like i said i wont say everything now. So do you remember the day before the accident at night , i went out to get something. Well, I was walking and I felt I was being followed so I walked a little faster then i knew someone was kind of chasing me so I began to run and I stopped in this street that i didn't know where it was and nobody was there. I kept running and i just found that the street ended and it was a very small street. Two men came walking towards me, they didn't do anything to me alhamduillah but all the told was be ready and that when they came to me the last time, it wasn't a joke and they were going to get me for not listening. And i didn’t understand it cause i never seen those two guys before and i never didn't listen cause i didn't get any threat from the killer for like a lot of months. So after they left and i quickly went home trying to find out they way and i arrived. The next morning i went out early by myself to my job interview. Remember that, i was talking about it for like a month. I went and i started walking, it was really early before you woke up for school, i felt like everywhere i went this car was following me but not from close but from far. I was nearly there to the place for the interview but it was a cross the road. The place isn't far from the house thats why i chose that job. The road was Gadrats Road. The huge one with 2 traffic lights and its really long as well. While i was crossing that street, the same car i thought was following me hit me. And from then i didn't know what happened."

I could see tears in her eyes, this is very emotional for her. I dont know how she could of gone through it all. As she was saying it it was like she was in her own world. This is why i admire and look up to my sister, she is amazing! I held her tight as she starting crying and apologizing.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked

"Cause it all my fault. If it wasn't for me my friends, family and actually myself would be all fine and great!"

"Sarah, its not all you fault you knew nothing of it. Just pray to Allah that everything will be fine in sha allah."

"In sha allah."

Wow, this is not like an average threatening problem this is worst. This could actually lead to killing and maybe more! We need Allah's help. But what i don't understand is why is the killer getting his facts wrong with both me and Sarah. And we don't need him hurting more people anymore. We have to put a stop to this and now.


Hey! What did you guys think of it? Like it or not so much? Sorry, i know again its very short but as you know i have problems and i am busy. I have problems which inshllah allah will make go away and i am very busy with school work again! I hope allah helps u guys in everything and that he blesses all of u Ameen. cause there are many of you muslims out there who are amazing and who are really good muslims! Even if these people dont know you they will always stick with u and make peace and thats whats islam about helping and making peace!

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