Chapter 21 ------------------- Old To New Connections

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Bye bye Paris. We sat patiently in the car parked outside of the hotel while my dad checked out. A lot had happened while I was here but I enjoyed every bit of it. Ok maybe not every bit but I think when I say this I speak for everyone in the family. We haven't had this much fun in ages. However now it was back to our (half) normal lives. It was a good week.

I wonder what James is doing now? Wait, did I just think that? My mind was just kidding with me, I didn't care about James. Although I didn't care didn't mean I didn't need to talk to him. I still need to have that chat and it needed to be as soon as possible. That second, dad walked out of the hotel and into the car.

"It's time to go! Did you guys have fun?" Dad exclaimed while turning to mum in the passenger seat and placing a kiss on her lips. I didn't need to see that. We all screamed a yes and we were on our way. I looked out the window as we drove by Paris. Here we come Home.

Home sweet home!


Chapter 21 -------------------- Old To New Connections

Waiting sucks. It was torment to see James everyday at school but not be in the right time to tell him. I was totally in a closed corner but i don't know exactly what to do. Everything would honestly just become messed up and more complicated if I told at the wrong time.

I hadn't really told my friends about the dinner with James either. I kind of wanted too but part of me felt awkward about bringing it up. Hey that's what friends were for. Maybe I would tell them, we haven't that girls day out in a while either.

Since the last note, i haven't got any threats, problems or trouble. I think the note was just there to frighten me but i wasn't going to let that happen. However there was one thing that was actually worse than any of those things. My anxiety. I tell you, I can't go to sleep, stay alone in the house without looking back, i can't even talk about this to anyone. Sometimes i even think that Kills is right listening to ever word that escapes my mouth or every action that my body does. It so frustrating. It makes you feel like your weak and powerless. But then again, i am against Kills.

'That why you have to talk to James properly this time !' My brain nagged again for the fifth time today. 'I can't, I can't' I repeat in my head so it can get it but as always I'm as arrogant as ever to listen.

It was awkward examining James endlessly for the last week or so. By now I'm sure he knows I am going to lash out at him because of my freaky eyes eyeballing him. He might not know about what but he knows its about something. As i thought to myself again and again about the same topic, my phone rang. I really hadn't realised until i heard the third ring. I picked it up without curiosity.


"Hey Bay, did you decide yet?" Angela's voice sounded from the speakers of my phone.

"What?" I asked with total awe.

"Don't tell me you forgot! Bay I told you, my birthday party! Are you coming or not?" I could hear her little huff at the end. I automatically remembered everything she told me about her party. I thought to myself for a moment and knew i couldn't let her down.

"Fine, let me ask my parents. But Angela no drinking, no dirty dancing, none of that. Got it? Because i swear if there is, i will turn back and go straight home." I said using my serious tone.

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