hi from the author!

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hey everyone! ok so i'm gonna get straight to the point here. i'm
not going to finish this book. i started this when i was 17 and now i'm 23. i am at a very VERY different stage in life from when i started this story and i seriously have not had, nor have, time to finish this! i was a college freshman when i started writing this and now i have a career, moving countries soon and starting a family 😂 and don't worry, i'll still be rooting for Tom from the other side of the world along with my family! my husband is totally ok with me still being in love with Tom 😜✌🏼

i just wanted to come on here that way you guys aren't waiting on another chapter especially because this book has and still keeps getting so many views. when i first published it i didn't expect ANY reads! like for reals. i remember getting extremely excited when i reached 10 reads but now i have literally thousands. i'm not sure what draws you to my awfully written story but i do want to say thank you to every single one of you who read, commented and favorited this story- who gave my 17 year old self a chance to entertain you. i am so sorry i failed you, but i hope you understand!

so, please use your imagination to come up with your own ending to this story 🤣 who knows, maybe for the 10th anniversary of me publishing this i'll come back and write a chapter 🤣

until next time, friends, and GO TOM! 🤩🥳❤️

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