eleven; two for one

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~Sophie's POV~

I had called Shana to let her know I was good to head back to the morning news next week. I was slowly repairing myself after the break up with Jack, but I was glad I didn't have to see Elena again.

The bakery had just hired three new employees, in which I had to go in next week also to continue to work. I give myself my treats but that's because I work two jobs and it's tiring, even though I have the weekends all to myself.

Jimmy had been an angel and arranged for my parents to come. I really didn't know how to pay him back, so I invited him over for lunch.

Speaking about that, I had to head over to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients and some canned food for Tim.

I quickly got out of bed, and checked the time. Six fifty one A.M. I had enough time to make some spaghetti and chicken parmesan and purchase the items. Taking out a note pad to write the ingredients, I made a mental note to go easy on today's look.

After taking a shower and slipping on a yellow t shirt and some knee length shorts, I decided that this simple outfit would do for the day.

Tim was playing in his scratch post station and I left him some treats and water while I went to the store.

As I pulled into the store, I looked at the clock, and I still had a few hours left to cook and purchase everything.

I raked the isles by grabbing tomatoes, oregano, chicken breasts, spaghetti boxes, and tomato paste, when a familiar voice called my name.

"Sophie? Oh my gosh, is that you?!"

"Lillian! Wow, what brings you to Boston? Are you still living in Texas? Wow, how was OSU?"

Lillian had been my best friend from fourth grade all the way to senior year when we had to part ways to go to college. She had always so beautiful; tall, slender figure, freckles, and she never wore any makeup in the time I knew her, now she was only wearing something like a nude balm. She wore Jean overalls over a purple shirt, when I noticed her Key chain with the flying Elvis logo I was so fond of.

"My little sister is coming to Boston University. Do you remember Grace?" She said, putting her cart aside.

"No way, Grace was only like 13 when we parted ways! Wow, I'm so stoked to see you! How long will you be here?"

"One week. We can hang out during this week!" She said excitedly.

"Are you busy in a few hours?" I asked.

"No, Grace has orientation until 8. Well, does Netflix count as busy ?" She laughed.

I laughed with her. Good old Lillian always with her sense of humor. "Then come on over to my apartment for lunch, I got someone I want you to meet," I said, glancing at her Keychain and scribbling my address on a piece of napkin that was left I'm my cart.

Today would be exceptionally fun.


"Lillian, what have you been up to lately?" I said, looking at my best friend from middle and high school.

"Well, I just opened up a boutique and it's going pretty well. I design wedding gowns."

The word wedding screwed me up, but I wasn't going to tell my story all over again. I hadn't even thought about how I was going to tell my parents, or even if I was.

"That's so amazing! I knew that you were going to succeed!"

"And you? Are you famous or something, at the grocery store you were getting excited glances and people pointing at you and saying 'it's her'!"

"Well, I accomplished what I was going for in high school. I am the star news anchor for the Boston Globe!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!" I laughed with her.

"Aww I'm glad! I'm also glad we're in Patriots land!" She said, and my smile grew wider.

"And I got something you're gonna like," I said, adding suspense as I took the chicken out of the oven and began serving lunch.

As if in cue, a knock was heard on the door, and Tim ran to my bedroom. I opened the door, and Jimmy was standing there with a sunflower in his hand.

"Hi Sophie. I brought you this." He said, handing it to me. It was a nice gesture, but definitely something that wasn't concurring right to what I wanted to do.

"Thank you Jimmy, it's so wonderful." I said, taking them and placing them on the coffee table. I took his hand and I led him to the kitchen, but stopped right away.

"I have another guest over, hope you don't mind." I said, and he shrugged.

I took him inside the kitchen, where Lillian was serving some lemonade but her back was facing us.

"Lillian, meet Jimmy, my friend." I said, and she turned around and gasped. [in Spanish, lol! Okay sorry back to the story]

"Jimmy Garoppolo! Oh my gosh- how, what!" She said, her caramel skin turning a bright shade of red.

"Jimmy, this is Lillian," I said, smirking at the fact that Jimmy looked like a blind man looking at a sunset for the first time.

"Hi Lillian. Um, you are Sophie's friend." He said awkwardly and I laughed because he stated the obvious.

Then there was a knock on the door. I smiled because someone I invited over was in time and I didn't look like a third wheel anymore.

"Be right back!" I said, as Lillian and Jimmy continued to stare at each other.

I swung open the door and hugged the person standing there.

"TOMMY!" I yelled.

"Sophie!" He yelled back, squeezing me harder.

"I'm so glad you could make it. Okay, so Jimmy is here, but Lillian is here too. And so far they're kinda amused by each other." I giggled, and locked my arm with his.


~Tom's POV~

I was so happy that Jimmy was not a threat anymore. He was in Sophie's living room with her friend, and I was sitting at the table with Sophie finishing out plates.

I stared at her bare left hand, and to me, it reflected nothing but hope. To Sophie, it probably reflected heartbreak, but I wanted to mend Sophie's broken heart.

My eyes followed her all the way up to hers, and I felt like the world had stopped. Her smile was back and her eyes were lit up even more than when I met her. It was clear she was over Jack.

That didn't change the fact that I had a major attraction to her. I scooted over to her, and she leaned in closer to me. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast and a thousand things were going through my mind. She smiled, and I took her face in my hands, and just like that, I kissed her.

She kissed back, and our lips moved together. I pulled her into my lap so now we weren't in an awkward position, but she pulled away and giggled, and pinched her nose as if something smelled unpleasant. I looked at her confused, and she waved her hand in my mouth.

"You have garlic breath." She laughed, but pulled me back to her lips again.

And just like that, I felt like a proud kid who had just completed a puzzle after a long time.

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