fifteen; the male version

973 21 8

-Wednesday Morning-
~Sophie's POV~

3:41 A.M. Ugh. Time to drive to the airport and meet Tom there.

I finished my cup of coffee and the bagel I had toasted, and put Tim in his cage along with a few cans of food. I was gonna leave him with my neighbor, since she's a good cat care taker, and she had previously taken care of Tim. I left him in her doorstep, as she said she would come out in 15 minutes, but my flight departed at 5, and I was already running late.

As I dragged my luggage and practically ran to my car, my phone rang, and Tom's name popped up on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered, panting at the same time as I threw my stuff in the car

"Sophie? I'm here already, are you coming soon?"

"Yes, sorry I'm running late!"

"Alright babe, see you later! Drive safe."

I hung up, and started the car, ready to see Tom after not seeing him for 24 whole hours. I was really starting to feel Brady-deprived.

I usually never ran late anywhere, as my job required me to be there quite early, but as I was driving to the airport, I was pretty sure I was flying through the streets of Boston.

Finally reaching into the parking of the airport, I grabbed my bags as quickly as possible, made sure the tickets were in my pocket, and ran inside of the airport. I wanted to see my Tom now!

As soon as I ran into the airport, Tom was already there, signing an autograph for someone, and I had to stop for a moment to take in how great he looked. He was wearing dark jeans, a Patriots hoodie, and a snapback backwards, which made him look much younger than he really was. 

When I walked up to him, he scooped me up, making me squeal, and then kissed me on the lips.

"Ready to attend a wedding together and see your parents, babe?"

"Yes! Especially because I get to bring a stud like you to be my date."

"And because I get to meet the wonderful people that created the most beautiful girl, aka you."

"Aww! I love-"


"Oh my gosh we have to go!"

Tom took my hand and with the other he had his luggage. I had the same, and we ran through the airport to the gates of our flight.

We heard a lot of camera shutters, probably indicating that we had the paparazzi on our tail. We didn't care though, we had to land in Texas in a few hours.

When we finally reached the gates, the flight attended greeted us and led us to our seats, the seat next to us was empty, so we were glad it was only Tom and I in the rows. We settled our stuff on the top of the seats where there was space for us to put our stuff, and we sat in our seats. I rested my head in Tom's shoulder, and he kissed the top of my head.

An older couple that was on the row across us looked over her shoulder, and gave us a funny look. It was probably because of our age difference.

Tom is 39, and I'm turning 25 soon. It was definitely an uncomfortable feeling, but she later raised her eyebrows, shrugged, and turned away. I secretly glared at her.


The flight attendant announced we had reached Dallas, TX. My heart skipped a beat after I saw Tom's eyes fluttered open, and he right away turned to kiss me.

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