fourteen; (untitled, unrevised)

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~Tom's POV~

Sophie was in my house, and I was on my way to her apartment to get her some clothes. I also had forgotten her car was still parked in the restaurant parking lot, so I had to get that soon too.

When I reached her apartment, I noticed a note on the door, taped and her name written in pen that looked like it was loosing ink. Knowing that it wasn't any of my business, I read it anyways.

Dear Sophie,
I don't know how to say this. Four years ago I fell in love with you, and up to this day, I still am. My heart is saddened by the way we ended things. Well, the way YOU ended things. I want you back. I saw you on the TV and I see that you're with Tom now. I knew he wanted you since I met him, and if he hurts you, I'm hunting him down. Unfortunately, things didn't work out the way I wanted, and now Elena and I are expecting a child together. Well, I don't know much if it really is my child or not. She's been seeing someone else behind my back, and I do not recall having any sort of that interaction with her, but she claims I was very drunk. I do not belive her, but I really can't say anything about it because she's already threatened to hurt you if I go back with you. So I hope that you and Tom are well. But I love you, and I wish to see you soon.
Love, Jack.

My blood boiled in anger. How could he have the audacity to go back with Elena and then come back to try to get Sophie back? I angrily got the key out of my pocket, and unlocked her door.

Her apartment seemed organized, and I wanted to take time to roam off and embrace Sophie's natural habitat, if you will. She really liked a semi country living, with fresh fruits in a basket, and lots of family pictures. Then I stopped as soon as I saw a picture of what looked like teenage Sophie and Jack. They were in a swimming pool and Sophie was sitting on Jack's shoulders. She was covering his eyes and she was laughing, and Jacks smile poised nothing but love and happiness.

As if in cue, a little furry thing walked out, meowing and nibbling at my shoes.

"Tim! We gotta take you to your mom." I said, picking up the small kitten. I looked around for a cage, but Sophie didn't have one. A padded empty basket that was sitting in the corner seemed like a safe place to put Tim, so I placed him there while I went to Sophie's bedroom to get her some clothes.

Not sure how long Sophie was going to stay, I took a pink dress, a pair of lace shorts, some jeans, and two purple blouses.

She needs underwear.

I looked through all her drawers, until I found her VS panties and bras. This made me very uncomfortable, but hey, having her in my house makes me comfortable.

I took two bras and two panties, and a pair of socks just in case. I also took a box that seemed to contain all her makeup, her toothbrush and her shampoos. I placed it all in a bag and swung it over my shoulders, and then I took the basket with Tim in it and a few cans of food for him.

I took one last look around the apartment, just to make sure everything was okay, and made my way back to my car. Settling everything in the back and Tim in the passenger seat, I drove to my house as quickly as possible. Tim wouldn't stop meowing, he probably wasn't used to being in a car. I stroked his little head, and he purred as loud as an ambulance.

As soon as I reached my house, I took everything and ran inside my house. Tim looked like he was going to bite me, so I stopped walking so fast.

"Yeah mom, it's just me and Tom. Things didn't work out with Jack, and he's already moved on. Which is fair because I too have moved on, haha!" I heard Sophie laughing, meaning she was over the breakup. I continued to listen to her conversation.

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