sixteen; American mouth

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~ Sophie's POV~

Saturday rolled around, and it was finally the day Edward, was getting married; and he's marrying my best friend too.

Tom was having a blast. He and my dad were having a lot of fun together, and really clicked off. It made me feel good.

I had only seen Tom once this morning when we woke up, because he was helping Edward get ready, and I was helping Kelsie.
Edward and Tom were getting along pretty well, and it made me really happy about that. They both had a very playful way of approaching each other, and they even went out to lunch by themselves.

"Earth to Sophie? You're about to burn yourself with the curling iron!" Kelsie said, yanking the curling iron away from my hand.

"Sorry! I am just so distracted. I like that my family is really getting along with Tom but I also feel bad because they were all so attached to Jack, you know?"

"I feel you girl. Have you spoken to Jack at all?"

"No, I saw him with Elena one times, and they're engaged. She even tried to pick a fight with me. It was really awkward because I was with Tom and his friends."

"Who is Elena, by the way?"

"Jack's crazy ex. She was my co-worker and what not. When I was hospitalized she told me all about how they were in a relationship for six years and all this nonsense. And that's just sort of where it all went down."

"That's crazy! Have you met Tom's kids?"

"No, there has been times where he has asked me to, but I don't feel ready just yet."

"Understandable. I've heard Gisele is quite protective of her kids."

"I don't blame her. Like, they both were so in love and now there's some other chick who's much younger taking her place, I don't want her to feel like I'm bound to taking her kids away too."

"You're not taking anything away from her though. They both split up voluntarily, you didn't go and tear them apart. You didn't even know him when they broke up!"

"I know, it just feels like it. Enough with this though, it's your wedding day! My best friend from childhood is going to be my sister in law! I still think its gross that you're marrying my brother, though."

"Hey, rude!" She said, pouting.

"Juuust kidding. I'm glad you're getting the best guy I know. Believe me, Edward is a very good person, inside and out. I'm glad I know the person you're marrying on a whole other personal level. I really am. "

"This is why you're my best friend, Sophie. I love you!" Kelsie said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"I love you too! But you better cry all you want before you get the makeup done because I am spending a lot of time on your beautiful face and hair!"

"Ahh, okay. I need to control myself!"

While I was almost done curling her hair and ready to put it in a bun, a knock was heard on the door.

I placed the curling iron on the dresser, and opened the door.

"Hey baby. I miss you!" Tom scared me, he literally yelled that, and I heard Kelsie snickering in the back.

"Tom, you scared me! I miss you too, though. How is Edward?"

"Nervous as hell! Poor guy won't stop shaking. He's ready to get married, he's just nervous about messing up in the ceremony. But I gave him some chamomile tea to calm him down. He's taking a shower right now, just to make sure that the tie I was supposed to bring was lilac right?"

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