seven [1] ; frozen Chinese food

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{This chapter will be split in two for some funny purposes ;) }

Previously on Piece of Cake:

"Oh my gosh, a million times yes! Jack I love you so much! Yes yes yes!" Sophie cried.

"We're in it for life, now!" Jack exclaimed, taking Sophie by the waist and kissing her passionately.

A million times yes.

We're in it for life.

In that moment, the tears spilled everywhere, and I ran out of the house. I was sobbing. Not even when me and Gisele called it quits did I cry this hard.

I looked over to see Danny's car racing off. So I got into my car, and slowly drove away, not caring about anything but the big ache in my heart.

That's it.

They're in it for life.


~Sophie's POV~

I was stunned at the fact that Jack had proposed. I saw it coming, but I wasn't prepared for it to come. All I knew is that I am more than ready to spend the rest of my life with him, and nobody else.

I have never felt this love for anyone else except for my family and Tim. On the good side, Tim and my family already loved Jack as well so it wasn't going to be a problem when I told them I was engaged to Jack.

"Jack, I am so happy. And thank you for everyone who came, I thought this was just a dinner that Jack put together to see all you guys!"

"Tom, Danny thanks for-" I was cut off by own shock at the fact that they had left.

"Where are they?" I said, looking around in hopes to see my two favorite football players. Jack was still holding my by the waist and his face was flushed a pink color, and I was still rubbing the tears off my cheeks.

"It doesn't matter baby, this moment is ours." he said, lifting my chin up to kiss him tenderly one more time. I glanced at my engagement ring, and back to my 'True Love Waits' ring on my other hand. Then I looked at Jack one more time, and knew that Jack was the only person to ever be worthy of removing that ring.

But Danny and Tom were still lingering on the back of my head, and I just hoped that wherever they are, they are safe and sound.

~Tom's POV~

I drove away while wiping the tears off my cheeks. I really could not believe that Sophie was engaged to another man. He seemed cool and looked at Sophie in so much love and admiration, but I wanted to be the one who could look at her that way.

Once I reached my house, I decided to call Danny to check on him. He was angry, and I wanted to know that he was home safe.

"Hello?" said a scruffy, sad voice on the other side of the line.

"Hey Danny boy. How are you?"

"What do you think? I am ecstatic that Sophie is getting married to the oh-so-love of her life." He said sarcastically.

"Look man, I know how you feel. I do have a feeling that they're never going to reach the altar anytime soon."

He was silent for a few moments, and something that sounded like a crash on the floor. That sound alarmed me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm coming over to your house, if you don't mind. The kids aren't over?"

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