nine; let's take a break

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~Sophie's POV~

The last person whom I least expected to come was Elena. Yet she was sitting in the chair beside me with a rose she had placed in my hand. I wonder if she genuinely felt bad for me because I had tubes dangling from my nose and needles plugged in everywhere.

"So," she said awkwardly.

"What made you come here? Or who told you?" I asked.

"Justin told me. He says he can't come so he sent you this rose." she said, pointing at the rose in my hand. Yeah, seemed too good to be true that Elena herself had bought a rose for me.

"Tell him I said thanks." I said blankly.

"So you're getting married to Jack Blake, I see." She said, a mixture of emotions toying with her face, in which I really could not point it out.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Know him? Honey, I dated him longer than you have been with him. But no worries, he hates me now." She smirked.

"What do you mean?!" I said, and the monitor next to me started beeping, indicating that my heart rate was too fast. It stopped once I relaxed in my bed again, but my brain was throbbing with the information that Elena had said to me.

"Yeah, we dated for six years. Then he broke up with me because he didn't like me anymore. Not like but hated me."

"It's not hard to understand why." I shot back.

"Well, I wish you everything but the best in your upcoming marriage." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You really have the audacity to ask why? Look at you Sophie; you're perfect. You have great hair, great body, one of America's most influential cities loves you, you're about to get married, hell, you're in the hospital with tubes and needles poking you all over with no makeup and you still look great! And look at me. Elena Madrigal. Everyone hates me. I just got a job which I'm sure I'm gonna lose. My mom hates me, my dad doesn't talk to me anymore, I hate my brother. I hate everything because everything is better than me." She said, poison reeking from her words.

I was speechless and didn't know what to say. Then I pointed it out.

"Well, maybe if you didn't hate everything in the first place, you'd be in a better situation. You sound like you did this to yourself. Please leave now."

And with that, she got up without even acknowledging my existence and walked out.

~Elena's POV~

Why was she loved by everyone? She charms her way in with everyone, but once you get on her bad side, she's a demon.

Maybe she's right though. I do hate everything without giving it a try.

As I was walking into the elevator down, the door opened, and the last person who I wanted to see got in. I wanted to get revenge on Sophie, don't know why or what to get vengeance on, but I wanted her to feel bad.

As Jack carried a box that said "WEDDING CAKE SAMPLER KIT" from a posh bakery, I flipped the box, it fell on the ground, and I grabbed Jack by the collar and kissed him angrily. Jack was pushing me away but I just pressed harder into him.

I saw his face in horror and ran away to my car. Why did I do that? Why?

~Jack's POV~


I looked sadly at the box which was now nothing but splattered cake. It represented how my emotions felt. Then I started crying. Crying because I was going to tell Sophie. And that most surely meant that Sophie will stay Sophie Campbell until someone else not wearing the last name 'Blake' changes that. I didn't care. I left the splattered box on the floor and walked like a zombie up to Sophie's room. There she was, tubes and needles all inside her, but it didn't hurt her- she was strong and courageous.

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