seventeen; always

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Tom and I headed back to my apartment, and he dropped me off with all my stuff. I had to go pick up Timmy from my neighbor, and take a nap. Flights aren't my favorite thing at all.

We reached my apartment and he pulled out all of the heavy luggage and I took my purse and shoes.

"Sophie, I had an awesome time with you at Edward's wedding. It was awesome to meet your family, and to meet Edward. Thank you for taking me." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and neck.

"Thank you for coming! I'm glad you got to meet them, and that they liked you. A lot. You'll have to come visit me when I move to Houston."

"I will baby."

He lifted my chin and kissed me softly, and I kissed him back. I pulled away, smiled at him and went inside my apartment. I was extremely tired and needed to rest.

I was taking a nap when someone knocked loudly on my door. I woke up abruptly, and almost fell off my bed.

Sophie get it together.

You know that feeling when you nap so hard you just feel out of place? Yep, that's me right now. I also don't take naps because for some weird reason I puke after taking a nap, so God bless the person who's knocking on my door right now.

I got up, and swung opened the door, and there he was, looking so much different than he looked a few months ago. The sparkle in his blue eyes was gone, and his blonde hair, now flat and lifeless fell over his dull eyes. His clothes also looked different than what he wore a few months ago. He was another person.

"Jack? What happened? Is everything alright?"

"Sophie, I- I thought you'd close the door on me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you hate me."

I frowned at him. I wasn't in love with him anymore but he held a very special place in my heart, but I had no reason to hate him.

"Why would I hate you, Jack? Come in, could I get you something to eat or drink?"

"Yes please, that sounds good, thank you so much Sophie. I thought you would hate me because you didn't get back to me from the note I left in your door the other day. My life has pretty much fallen apart."

"What note? When was this?" I said, pulling pans over the stove and getting vegetables and chicken to make some soup for Jack, remembering that my chicken soup was his favorite thing I made for him, and it brought me back to what our relationship was. 

"Sophie, it was this past week. I left a note explaining a little bit of my life status. I don't know why you didn't get it."

Then I remember Tom came for my clothes and my stuff. Tom probably got it. My blood started to boil in anger. Not because he kept me from knowing about Jack, but becasue of his actions. Because of trust. 

"I think I know why I didn't get it, but that isn't relevant right now. What happened?" I said, as I stirred the soup, seeing the little bubbles come up from the heat. I grabbed a bowl, served Jack his soup, took out a bottle of tea and sat down to watch him eat. 

"Sophie, after me and you broke up, I went with Elena only because she pressured me into it, and I felt lonely. After seeing that you were with THE Tom Brady, I thought I had lost all chances of getting a good girl by my side, and Elena was the only person I thought I could ever be with. I don't love her, or even like her. But we're not together anymore. And I miss you. I miss your good morning calls and I watch the news, not for the news purpose but for the sole purpose of watching you and listening to speak to you. I left my apartment and sold everything I have except for my car, and I only kept the clothes you bought me and a few pair of shoes. I have not showered in 6 days. I- I've lost sense of direction. Sophie, I'm a mess. I don't have anywhere to live or anyone to turn to. My mom won't talk to me, and I can't visit Texas in this state to visit my dad's grave. I've hit rock bottom."

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