eighteen; not like that {short}

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"Okay, Jack. I have three spades. Do you have a queen?" I said holding up my playing cards as Jack looked very concentrated in the game.

"Darn, Sophie! You made me lose my streak, I was doing so well!" He said chuckling as he threw the card to my pile.

I arranged the cards, set them on the table and smirked at him.

"I win."

"Not the next time, you wont!" He said as he collected the cards and shuffled them.

"Another game?" He asked, holding the stack up.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 12:42 am.

"Oh, man it's really late! How about tomorrow after breakfast?"

"Sure thing!" He said as he placed them in the box. He handed them back to me, and I put them in the game drawer that I have in my living room.

"Hey, I have something important to tell you." I said, looking at my sleeves.

"What is it, Sophie?"

"Um, so I got offered a job. It's really good, I'm gonna get paid a lot more than I do here, and I won't work every day either. I'm gonna take it."

"Well, uh, congratulations! Is there something more important about it?"

"Yeah, it's- it's in Houston. I'm moving to Houston. In about a month and a half..."

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. Then he kinda glared, which I thought was strange, but then he smiled at me.

"I'm sure you'll be doing great over there. If it's going to work for you and not against you, go for it."

"Thank you. Um, I'm going to bed now, I'll make breakfast tomorrow.  If I don't wake up early enough and you're up, do you mind feeding little Timmy?"

"Yeah! Where is the little man?" He asked looking around.

"He's in my room. He's probably sleeping or playing around with his toys. My little fluffy man." I say.

"Alright then, I'll let you go to bed now, Sophie. Thank you for this. I really cannot thank you enough for this that you have done for me, after everything. You truly are pure because you do not hold resentment towards anyone no matter who they are. "

"No problem." I simply said and smiled at him. I went to bed as I heard Tim purring in his little bed. 

I then forgot that I left my phone in the kitchen. I threw the comforter annoyed as I went through the small hallway to the kitchen, where Jack was fidgeting with something black I couldn't figure out what it was but he looked startled as he saw me and quickly put it away.

"Are you okay, Jack?" I asked

"Uh, yeah, I'm just checking my camera batteries..." he said, still fidgeting, but with something else. 

"I didn't know you had a camera," I said, grabbing my phone and walking towards the hallway, still looking at Jack.

"Y-yeah, I do." He said, holding up a Canon camera.

"Oh. Okay... Goodnight." I said just turning around.

I went to sleep not before calling Casey. This needed to be discussed over girl time. 

"Hello?" said a groggy male voice.

"Rob?" I asked in surprise. 

"Sophieee! IT'S YOU!! How are you my dear?!"

"It is me! I am good, how about you?!" I say in the same enthusiastic voice. 

"Awesome... me and Casey just finished moving in together, and we're exhausted. She's taking a nap but if you want to talk to her, I can wake her up?"

"Wow, I'm happy for you guys! And could you? That would be awesome!" 

"CAAAAS! SOPHIE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU! She's coming!" He shouts over the phone and then tells me. Rob was always super enthusiastic. 

"Hey, girl! Nice to hear from you!" She says.

"Nice to hear from you too! I'm sorry I have been such a ghost, I've been super busy and just, ugh! I need girl time, though, I have a little conflict!" I say as my throat starts to feel like I was going to cry. 

"What's up girl?"

"Me and Tom have been having some problems, and Jack- Jack is staying over he kinda fell on rock bottom so I felt like I could help him... and I don't know what to do with Tom. I need help."

"Oooh, Jack is staying over? What the heck?" 

"Long story. Can I tell you tommorow?" 

"Yeah! Oh my goodness, this is like a cliffhanger. Where are we meeting? Chipotle?"

"I have never had Chipotle in my life! So let's do it!"

"What! Girl you have not lived. I will make sure your meal is great. See you at 11?"

"11 is good! See you then! Bye Cas!"

"Bye Sophie, see you tomorrow!"

We hung up on the phone, but I had a funky feeling I couldn't shake off. Almost as if the plans I had just made with Casey were not going to happen. But I'm just a skeptical person, and I had confidence I would see Casey for lunch tomorrow after Jack tries to find a job.

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