five; three make a triangle

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Happy Memorial Day- before the update let's take a moment to appreciate those who are serving and have served our country. May God bless you greatly, I personally am so thankful for people like you with tremendous courage who go fight in foreign countries for our freedom. Thank you

*1 week later*

I hadn't talked to Danny or Tom for a whole week now since the party. Olivia had been staying over with me before she left to her hometown of Rhode Island. I'm gonna miss her so much. We've only known each other for a week and she's already turned into someone really important to me.

I got her yellow polka dot luggage to the front of my apartment, when Tim came and started scratching on her luggage.

"Timmy, no." I said, taking the tiny kitten into my arms. I took him back to my bedroom and placed him on my bed, and he instantly fell asleep. I wish I could do that. This past week, I go to bed and can't sleep until 10 pm, which is way past my bedtime.

I have been anchoring the local Boston morning news, which is what I originally was only working on, then I met Ibelle at the Patriot Place where she said they needed a baker, and I love baking. Aside from journalism, baking is also my passion. So juggling between two things that I love has been exhaustive, but I am more than happy. Although I did need to take some days off from the bakery to be with Olivia before she leaves this morning.

"Olivia, I made breakfast!" I shouted, and she ran in the kitchen with a brush in her hand, and in a white robe I let her borrow.

"Yum! Pancakes, bacon, and eggs are the best!" She said, taking a strip of bacon from a platter and stuffing it in her mouth.

I laughed at her goofiness, and hugged her.

"I'm going to miss you loads, Liv." I said, tears threatening to spill.

"So am I, Sophie. What if I fly you to Rhode Island soon?" She said.

"That would be wonderful," I said "oh, enough with the sappy stuff, i am going to cry, let's eat!"

We stuffed our faces, and we couldn't even breathe at the the end of the meal.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change now and then we'll make our way to the dreadful airport then." She said, grunting and rolling her eyes.

I smiled with sadness, knowing Olivia would be gone soon and I'd be on my own again. That's the thing I miss about Texas- my friends. Ibelle was really my only friend here, and then I just spend the rest of the time with Jack. Speaking of Jack, he's supposed to come later this week, and I am so excited to see him. It's been a month and at this point I'm probably going through withdrawals.

I finished washing the dishes and putting them away, cleaned the table and touched up my makeup, when Olivia came to the living room to head to the car now. I sighed sadly, once again remembering my loneliness. Ah, the wonders of Boston.

"Ready?" I said, pulling one of her suitcases to my car, and putting it on the trunk.

"No, but I have no choice!"

"Gosh, I'm really gonna miss you! Does Danny know you're leaving?"

"Yeah, I just texted him telling him that I would ring in once I get to Rhode Island. I think I'm gonna break up with him."

"You are?" I asked, shocked.

"Well, our relationship started out great, but we slowly started noticing that we don't really like each other. I think that we're just both afraid of saying it to each other."

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