two; no, thanks

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The sparkly 'True Love Waits' band on my ring finger, a gift from my parents, kept distracting me as I drove to my apartment. Danny's words kept echoing inside my head.

"Figure it out yourself,"

Could it mean that I'm too abstinent? I did freak out a lot when my shirt got pulled. He could be right though. I have never let anyone look at me without covering my entire body except my face, legs and forearms.

Whatever. I pushed away all those thoughts as I got closer to my apartment. I may have been too distracted since I jumped when I heard my phone buzzing and blaring the annoying ringtone on the passenger seat. As I pulled over to the parking lot of the magenta-colored brick apartments, I grabbed my phone and answered it without seeing who it was.


"Sophie! I miss you baby doll," said the warm, familiar voice.

"Jack! I miss you too! How are you? How's Guatemala working for you?" I asked excitedly.

"Well today we got over 70 buckets of water from a well and we also built 10 house skeletons. Tomorrow early morning we're building the rest of the house, and painting it on Monday since Sunday is church day. How about you, baby doll? How's life treating you while I'm not there?"

"Well, I get almost little or no sleep. The morning news shift starts at 2 and ends at 9. Then the bakery shift is from 11 to 5, and I go to bed at 7, you know the drill, wake up at midnight to get ready. Oh my, today was a hectic day at the bakery though! You won't believe who came in toda-"

"Gotta go babe it's really late here and I gotta go to bed early. Tell me all about it tomorrow! Take care! Love you, bye!" He said as he hung up.

"Okay?" I said to myself. I got out of my car to make my way up to my apartment. Out of all places where my apartment was located, it had to be on the top 7th floor, no elevators. Every day was leg day to me. I guess that was fine, I could skip the gym.

Jack was a guy I had met at university, where we started dating when he was the lead singer of a Christian band. He was nice, faithful, smart, fit, funny and easy on the eyes. He was also very nice to my parents when they met, and he completely stole my heart. Right now he was at a missionary trip to Guatemala, in which he came back in a week.

As I opened my apartment door, my cat Tim ran to me and purred uncontrollably. He was the cutest, most fluffiest thing on earth.

"Hi baby! Momma's gotta get ready because she's going to a party where she knows nobody. Wanna come?" I cooed, kissing his little black head and placing him on the bed. Yes, we share a bed, thank you very much. He's like my son. I've had him since he was a kitten, and I've done everything from feeding him kitten formula in a bottle to taking him in a bike ride in my hamper attached to it- yeah it was not the smartest idea, to be honest. But you know there's just a thing about pets that melt your heart.

I took off my yellow t-shirt and my boot cut jeans and slipped in the shower for a quick bath. The water felt so soothing after a long day against my flour covered skin.

As I was washing my body, I was imagining what it was like being with Jack. Maybe we will get married when he gets back. He hasn't proposed, but I have a good feeling he will. If he does ask me to, I will totally accept his offer, I love this man more than anything.

I quickly shut off the water and wrapped a towel around myself and applied moisturizer in my face and lotion on my body. I put my underwear on, and went over to my closet to choose something. I settled on a knee length flowy lace dusty rose dress with some nude pumps, and wrapped my hair in a quick, formal bun, and applied little makeup, but putting emphasis on my eyelashes because that is what opens the eyes.

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