four; stay out

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Waking up with a headache wasn't what I expected to have the morning after Olivia's birthday party. I expected to have her in bed, and a smile on my face. These days it looks like it's hard to obtain either of both things.

I went to the bathroom, washed my face and took care of my necessities, when I noticed dried up blood lingering on the side of my nose, little cuts on my cheeks, and a bruise along my jawline. It really was bad to fight with my teammates, but it wasn't my fault.

I knew that I had to get back to Sophie and apologize, I sent both her and Olivia messages and called them a few times, but I have yet to receive a reply back. I guess it was fair for them to ignore me, but at the moment I am freaking out and hoping that they are okay.

Light bulb

I am going to the bakery and apologize. I thought I could bake her some cookies but then that would be ironic because she works at a bakery and she's probably fed up with all of the ingredients and maybe looking at another baked good will make her gag. So instead, I will take her the prettiest, freshest, most colorful roses I can find. 

And I would also surprise Olivia with it but i'd take her out to dinner and bring her back to my house.

I got dressed, threw some clothes on me, and sprayed some cologne on myself.

I drove around Boston for a while, waving at some fans who would say hi, and smile at cameras that were placed in front of me. I finally found myself in Benny's Flower Shop, and I looked for the biggest and prettiest roses. I looked and looked, until coming across some big, red roses with silk ribbons tied to them. I know Sophie is going to like these babies.

"OH MY GOSH YOU ARE DANNY AMENDOLA" yelled the guy behind the counter. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties or so.

"Um, yeah that's me! Can I put these flowers in a vase?" I asked, trying to dodge the wave of attention that was coming to me.

"Of course! It's Olivia's birthday, isn't it? I call that you guys will have babies in about 7 months."

"She's not pregnant and we're not going to have premie babies. No babies any time yet!" I said, getting impatient and trying to get the flowers to get out.

"Are you sure? Birthday s-"

"Here's your money, I'm done." I said, slamming $50 on the counter and stomping out the door.
I drove away and took the freeway to the Patriot Place Bakery, and got there instantly. The roads were clear for once in forever, which made it easier to navigate through Boston.

Taking a deep breath, I took the flowers and got out of the car, walking towards the door of the bakery.

As soon as I stepped in, a wave of heat and a strong sugar scent hit me, making me dizzy.

"UGH why are you even here? We're not making you another cake."

"Oh, hello Ibelle, nice to see you too! How have you been?" I said sarcastically.

"Sophie isn't here, if that's what you're looking for."

When Ibelle said that, my heart dropped, because I never asked for her address so i couldn't go visit her or anything.

When I was going to turn around, the bell on the door made a 'clink' sound, announcing someone had just walked in.



I woke up to 7 unread messages, and a load of guilt. The fight yesterday ruined me, and I really could not believe that I had fought with my teammates over the protection of a girl we don't really know yet.

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