three; game tyme

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Olivia led me through a hallway, a very spacey one I must add, that led us to a white-themed room. In it was a very big bed with fluffy pillows and white flowers adorned the room. It was a beautiful bedroom, but it must have been a guest room because there was no bathroom, and no more furniture other than the bed, a chair, and a night stand.

To the left was a door, in which Olivia opened, to reveal heaps and heaps of shoes.

"Alright, Sophie. Choose a pair. I think we have the same size of shoes!" she said excitedly.

"Olivia, gosh I'm so sorry for coming. I'm just a stranger and I feel like I'm intruding y'alls private time." I said, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Why do you feel that way?" 

"I'm just a stranger to you all, that's all."

"Do you believe in fate, or destiny, anything like that?"

"Um, to a certain extent I do. It depends on the situation." 

Then she started to cry. Not cry, but sob. She was sobbing. Uncontrollably. I quickly put my arm around her, and she started crying harder, if it was even possible.

"Did I say something wrong? Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" I pleaded, hugging her.

"No, there's nothing wrong with you, I'm very happy you came. I am unhappy with Danny. And I don't know how to tell him, he's a very nice guy but I don't feel like myself when I'm around him. My grandmother told me to stay away from a guy who doesn't let you feel like yourself. I constantly feel like I am not my fun self, my self where I can pop a joke. I feel tense around him, like I'm not enough for him."

Wow. I just met the girl and she's spilled something extremely personal.

"Oh, Olivia. You shouldn't feel that way! If you're unhappy, you have to let go. It will start affecting you sooner if you don't take action. It'll come down to you not being able to be happy, and it will make everyone else around you unhappy."

"You say that like you know the problem by first hand."

"Well, I, uh, am in a relationship but at the moment I am unhappy as well because he's in Guatemala on a mission trip so it's hard to actually keep in touch. I haven't had a proper conversation with him in a month or so and I feel like we've become distant."

As soon as I said that, a pang of guilt hit me, and a thought of unhappiness came into my mind. What if I really was unhappy with Jack, not because he's in another country, but because I am unhappy with the relationship itself?

"Huh, who knew we were going to spill our emotions tonight?" she said, a small smile appearing on her face and then wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Thank you for coming. I have a good, strong feeling that you will be a really good friend of mine."

"Of course I will be a good friend of yours! I had a fuzzy feeling when I was making the cake, kind of like I was making it for someone very dear to me. I wasn't wrong, I see," I grinned, and hugged her tight.

"Ahh. Okay, let's go play, the boys might be getting a tad bit impatient now." We stood up as she took my hand and we walked to the door.

Suddenly, she stopped and ran back to the room, "Ill be right back, we forgot what we came for! Shoes!" She laughed and five seconds later came back with two pairs of identical white sandals. She handed me one and said, "We're twinzies now!" I laughed, and could not help but feel like I was just where I was supposed to be.


"Where were you? I thought y'all got kidnapped or something, ladies!" Said Danny, as he set his bottle of beer down. One thing I learned by watching, is that Danny isn't a heavy drinker as opposed to Jules over here.

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