eight; save the date

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~Jack's POV~

Being in a hospital waiting room is very depressing. I have only seen it in movies, but never experienced it in real life. It is so sad, especially when your future wife is laying in the hospital bed and you do not know what is going on or what is wrong with her.

Lost in my thoughts, I jumped when the door to Sophie's room opened and an elderly nurse came out with a clipboard and a small smile on her face.

"Jack Blake?"

"That's me." I said, smiling at her.

"Good news. Ms. Campbell will be okay, she's just experiencing exhaustion. That, and she has not eaten anything in over 48 hours. By what she was telling me, she is a very busy person and hardly has any time for anything. I did recognize her from the morning news, and I was very excited when I found out that she would be under my supervision. Everyone in this hospital loves her. We wake up to her every morning," she smiled, and I beamed in pride, happy to call Sophie mine.

"Yeah, I am the luckiest person in the world to have her."

"You surely are. Now, you can go in and be with her for a little bit, I am on my way to get her some lunch. Would you like something too?"

"Some of that blue jello?" I asked like a little kid. She laughed and smiled at me.

"Sure, Mr. Blake. Be right back."

I was so eager to see Sophie now, I almost tripped while going in. There she was, laying down with millions of tubes dangling from her arms and chest.

"Hello, future Mrs. Blake, how are you feeling?" I said, kissing her forehead and taking a seat in the chair next to her.

"Like trash?" She sighed.

"Are you okay? Why have you not been eating, baby? Are we going to have to go through this again?" I said, my voice quivering at the remembrance of that time.

"No I promised you it would not happen again, Jack. It is not my fault I swear! It has been four years." she said, wiping tears off her cheeks but wincing when the needle bent in her wrist.


"Sophie? I have pizza!" 19-year-old Jack said.

"Ooh, yum!" said Sophie, her small 18-year-old-frame making her way to her boyfriend of one month.

"Now, we are both broke college students who can barely afford anything, so in celebration of our one-month anniversary, we are eating a five dollar pizza." Said Jack, taking Sophie into his arms and setting the pizza on the blanket.

"But it is probably the best way to invest five dollars, innit?" She said, giggling and taking a small bite of her pizza.

It was 92 degrees Fahrenheit and Sophie was wearing a long sleeved white cardigan. Jack wondered why she would be wearing something like this in such hot weather.

"Why don't you take this off?" Jack said, tugging at the bottom of her sleeve, but Sophie quickly pulled it back down as if she were hiding something under her sleeves.

"Um, because, I am, kinda cold?" She fumbled with her words.

"Okay, then." Jack said, taking a bite of his slice.

"So, I'm thinking that we should move to Boston together. And get married. And have a cat named Tammy, and two babies. A boy and a girl." Said Jack, his eyes beaming with enthusiasm.

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