Mom and Ruby

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I barged in my room and went to the closet. I pulled out a plaid shirt and skinny jeans; I like to keep it casual. I then flopped to bed after I got changed, and I started thinking about the plan. I mean, what if everything didn’t went they way I expected? Half of me said that it will not happen, and the other half says ‘screw it if it did’.  I stared blankly at the ceiling as my busy minds sets of on an adventure. I snapped back to reality as Andy swung the door open, “Let’s go!” He clapped his hands,

“Now?” I murmured,

“Yes!” Andy chuckled and went into my room, “Come on!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed, “We don’t want to keep mom waiting!”

“Where are we going again?”

“I don’t know what it’s called. It’s just some place to eat, I guess.”

“Sounds legit…” I mumbled. He just snickered and slung his arm around my shoulders,

“Were you surprised that mom showed up?”

“A little.” I shrugged.

“You’re lucky…” He sighed. At first I was a little confused about what he was trying to say, but then it popped up in my mind. Mom could not make it to Andy’s high school graduation.  It was only uncle Ben, Josh, and I who came. I can recall him in a bad mood after the graduation.

“Don’t talk about this again, please? We’re taking mom to dinner!” I changed the subject and Andy nodded obediently.

We piled into the car with Andy behind the wheel and sped off to the dinner place. It was a silent drive, but then mom broke it. “Where are you guys taking me?”

“Just some place to eat, mom.” Andy glanced at mom and focused back at the road,

“How long has it been since we have a family dinner like this?” Josh said,

“Too long…” Andy replied sighing.

“I’m glad we’re doing this again!” Uncle Ben smiled and everyone responded in agreement. After a few moments of silence, we finally made it to the dinner place. Basically, it is similar to a bistro or a café with a small stage for some live band. The place was nearly empty, and I like it that way. Maybe it is because it’s around eight. As we take our seats, Andy was looking at me as if he has this mischievous idea. It was starting to freak me out a little, but I shrugged it off.

After we finished our food, Andy stood up and dragged me along with him. He climbed into stage, and at that moment, I feel like I was about to hang myself. I was about to make a run for it, but it was too late. Andy grabbed my hand and pulled me on stage, “Hello!” He started and I saw Josh’s face turned into a wicked expression. Those two losers set me up, I think I know what Andy will make me do. “So this kid here, wants to sing for her mom!” He continued smiling,

“No!” I whimpered, “Anything but this! Why are you doing this to me?”

“Ally! Ally! Ally!” Josh started chanting like fans do in a football game. Uncle Ben was laughing his butt off and my mom was trying to cover her laugh,

“Come on, kid. There’s barely any person here!” Andy gave me a nudge, “Toast for mom!”

“Why me?” I pouted,

“Because… It’s for mom!”

“I’m going to kill you for this!” I grunted and he just rolled his eyes, typical Andy. I wrecked through my brain to find a song that is appropriate to be sung. I scrolled through my phone up and down a few times.

“Pick something already!” Josh retorted,

“Shut up!” I replied, “Do you want me to do this or not?”

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now