It's Just A Few Months

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There was a loud banging on the door, and it’s really annoying. I shot up and glanced at the clock, it said ‘5:30’. I was wearing a loose shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. What kind of a sick bastard comes knocking at your door at this time? The banging got louder and more frequent as if using two hands to knock. I shuffled quickly towards the door and yanked it open. “Good morning, sunshine!” He shouted in excitement. I could no longer hold it, and so I slapped his arm, hard. “Hey!”

            “What do you want?” I hissed with annoyance,

            “Brighten up, kid! You’re starting class today!” He pulled me into his arms,

            “Do you know what time is it?”


            “Do you know what time my class starts?”

            “I’m afraid I don’t know.”

            “Four hours, Pontius. It starts in four hours. Four, cuatro, quatre.” I scoffed, “Why are you up this early?”

            “The guys and I wanted to do something with you. Like, before we go on tour.”  My heart plummeted,

            “How long is it?”

            “I don’t know, a few months.”

            “At least better than four years.” I said optimistically,

            “Better than four years.” Pontius nodded,

            “So.” I pulled away, “What is this thing that you wanted to do?” Before he could answer, we heard footsteps. Turns out, it was Cubbie.

            “Rise and shine!” He cried, and I just rolled my eyes at him. “Pontius, what did you do to her?” He gasped,

            “I woke her up.” Pontius shrugged, and Cubbie just raised his eyebrows as if it was obvious.

            “Do you guys want me or not? No? Okay, I guess I’ll just go back to-”

            “No, don’t go!” Pontius cried. He glanced at Cubbie and they both smirked mischievously, uh oh. Pontius bent down, grabbed my knees, and then lifted me up like a sack.

            “Not again.” I sighed, too tired to fight against. They were both laughing and headed outside the building. Cubbie closed the door and followed Pontius down. I couldn’t see where he was taking me. The view from how I was being carried was the ground and Pontius’s butt. Cubbie ran ahead of Pontius and I heard something open, a door perhaps. I tried to figure out what door he opened, all I see is the sidewalk and Pontius’s butt. “Pontius, put me down!” I hit his back,

            “In a moment.” He replied. I heard Cubbie step on something, but I can’t figure out what. Pontius then followed Cubbie, he climbed three flights of stairs and that’s when it hit me. I was in their tour bus; Pontius and Cubbie brought me to their tour bus.

            “Gentlemen, I have found the kid.” Pontius announced as he enters the bus. I saw a glimpse of a pair of legs walking towards me, but I couldn’t look up.  The pair of legs then lowered down, and now his face is aligned with mine,

            “Good morning, kiddo.” It was Mark,

            “You seem to be up and early.” I mumbled, forcing myself to smile.

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now