Glum Moments

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I was with Ryan on his car, while the rest of the guys in their car. I apologized to Ryan on what Pontius did to him, I still feel bad a little. He asked why Pontius did that and I said that he could be weird sometimes. I left out the part where he could be really protective sometimes. He also said that he would do the exact thing if his sister was left in a cold rainy night. When we finally got there, Ryan reluctantly walked over to his little sister. He looked like he was about to burst into tears again. He then fell into his knees next to his sister, and an involuntary tear slipped down his cheek. He sat down, hugging his knees and looked at the tombstone of his sister.

       “I bet, your sister is looking down at her big brother and is smiling proudly.” I said to him. He looked up and smiled back. He then pulled out his wallet and fished something of what seemed to be a picture. He held it between his forefinger and middle finger, and then handed it to me.

       “That was when my parents brought her home for the first time…” He smiled and peeked at the picture in my hand. “I was too excited to sleep that night.” I just smiled at him. It was a picture of him holding his newborn sister tightly on his arms, she looked so fragile. He has this ear-to-ear grin that is just so cute.

       “Don’t lose this picture.” I said, handing it back to him.

       “I won’t.” He replied. I glanced at Mark and the guys; they were watching us, commiserating. They were gathered under a tree a few meters away from Ryan and I. Ryan fell silent for a moment, and I didn’t have the heart to say anything. He was staring alternately at his sister, then the sky, and then his sister again. I knew that his mind was somewhere else, I could tell by his blank eyes. “Ally, can I get some alone time?” He said without looking at me,

       “Sure, take your time.” I said, getting up and heading towards the tree. A thought suddenly came across my mind. I started to think, what if I died? What if I lost too much blood and didn’t make it? How long was that? It was maybe around eight, or maybe nine to ten years ago? If I died then, what will Andy do? Who will be the shoulder for him to lean on? I told myself to push the thoughts away, it won’t happen again. I slammed my back against the tree, and I think it’s obvious that they notice my sudden mood change. Cubbie leaned next to me, he knows that it was just a random thought that came across my mind, and so he just stayed quite.

       “I feel so sorry for that kid.” Mark blurted, quite enough so Ryan couldn’t hear.

       “I know, I’ve never seen him like this.” I said,

       “I’ve never seen Pontius like this.” Isom glanced at Pontius,

       “Because I’ve never felt this guilty before.” Pontius protested,

       “No, it’s okay.” I said as he leaned on the other side of me, “Ryan told me that he’d do the exact thing if his sister was left in the middle of a cold rainy night. He’s a goody guy, Pontius.”

       “But can we trust him?” He asked, somehow a little childishly.

       “Don’t worry, we can.” I nodded, looking down.

       “He reminds you of Andy, doesn’t he?” Mark smirked,

       “A lot, actually.” I answered honestly,

       “Is he worthy to be the third Andy?” Pontius teased,           


       “If Ryan’s the third, then who’s the second?” Isom asked,

       “My cousin.”

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now